北京教育科学研究院 编
《高中英语写作2:书面表达辅导用书》是为了满足北京市高中学生英语学习的需要而系统地编写的一套写作教材。在编写过程中,我们注意吸收了国内外一些英语写作教学流派的长处,以功能交际法为主线,吸收了结构教学法的可取因素,在训练设计上采取了过程教学法的主要手段,力求全面培养学生的理解、分析与书面表达能力。 《高中英语写作2:书面表达辅导用书》一书以重点高中、普通高中、职业高中的学生为直接对象,循序渐进地介绍了几种主要文体形式(叙事文、描写文、应用文及说明文),并针对学生的薄弱环节附加了语法方面的训练。
Module One Narrtive WritingUnit One Never Trust a StrangerUnit Two A Trip to the MountiansUnit Three No RegretsUnit Four Dont Take Me AwayUnit Five John LennonUnit Six A Long Time AgoUnit Seven Students Workshop ( I )Module Two Deycriptive WritingUnit Eight Our MonitorUnit Nine An Interesting PhotoUnit Ten The Jack-o-lanternUnit Eleven Making Fried ChickenUnit Twelve Doing Push-upsUnit Thirteen The Lincoln MemorialUnit Fourteen Students Workshop (Ⅱ)Module Three Practical WritingUnit Fifteen Writing Business Letters (I) A Letter of ApplicationUnit Sixteen Writing Business Letters (Ⅱ) A Letter of ComplaintUnit Seventeen Writing Brief NotesUnit Eighteen Filling FormsUnit Nineteen Writing PostersUnit Twenty Students Workshop (Ⅲ)
Before we started the tour, the writer announced: "We are going to visit the Lincoln Memo-rial." When our car stopped in front of it, we saw the monument on a high terrace and widestairs leading up to the entrance. We climbed the stairs and walked inside the building. There wesaw that the inside is divided into three sections. The rooms on the left and on the right are sepa-rated from the center section by a row of columns. Walking around the left and right rooms, weread two of Lincolns famous speeches on the walls. The center section is open to the front of themonument. Here we saw a large statue of Lincoln, seated in chair facing the entrance. Exercise B 1. This new department store, which was completed a month ago, is located in the center of the old city. 2. In front of the building, there is an open area where customers can park their ears. 3. People who feel hungry earl go to the top floor to have some fast-food.4. Some people who come for a short rest like to sit by the windows and get a birds-eye view of the city.
《高中英语写作:书面表达辅导用书(2)》根据教育部最新制订的《普通高中英语课程标准》编写; 为教师提供了课时安排、作业批改方式、考核方法三个方面的方案; 为教师提供教学目的、教学参考和所有练习的参考答案和范文; 用中文解释每一单元的重点和难点,并提供了大量构补充材料和文化背景知识; 教师可根据学生的实际情况和自己的教学经验灵活处理每课内容。