Della Thompson
PrefaceEnglish over Fifteen CenturiesUsing this DictionaryAbbreviations used in the DictionaryNote on Proprietary StatusThe Concise Oxford DictionaryAppendicesI Countries of the WorldⅡ Counties of the UKⅢ States of the USAIV The CommonwealthⅤ Books of the BibleⅥ The Greek and Russian AlphabetsⅦ Roman NumeralsⅧ Weights, Measures, and UnitsⅨ The Chemical ElementsⅩ Major Divisions of Geological TimeⅪ The Beaufort Scale of Wind SpeedⅫ Biological ClassificationXIII Style GuideA. Punctuation MarksB. Spelling RulesC. CapitalizationD. ItalicizationE. References to PeopleF. Offensive Language and SexismXIV Proof-reading MarksXV Indo-European LanguagesXVIT Terms for Groups of Animals etc.XVII Word Games SupplementIndex
Preface The ninth edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary is 14 per cent larger than the eighth and it takes further the changes in methodology and presenta-tion that were introduced in its predecessor. These changes were in tow main areas: firstly, the use of computer technology; and secondly, the aim of making the information contained in the diction-ary more accessible to the user. With regard to the use of computer technology, the COD has benefited in this edition not only from the availability of the previous edition in the form of an electronically tagged database, but from access to large bodies of corpus and citational evidence. The British National Corpus, a database containing over l00,000,000 words of text. has been the most significant of these, together with the OUP Dictionary Departments vast computer-ized collection of selected citations and its other computerized dictionary texts including the twenty-volume Oxford English Dictionary. The gath-ering of evidence for new words and usages has been greatly enhanced by electronic access to these sources, and the dictionary is now able to incorpor-ate more quickly and reflect more accurately changes that have arisen in the language since the previous edition, with additions being made to the text. right up to the time of printing. As a result, this edition contains over 7,0O0 new words and senses in a wide variety of areas. For example, the growing availability of international cuisine in Britain and elsewhere is reflected by the use in English of terms such as bhaji, fajita, gravlax, penne, sharonfruit, and many others; in the field of politics we have dream ticket Euro-rebel, placeman, rainbow coalition, and spin doctor, in ecology new terms such as arcology, carr, ecocide, greening, and wind farm have arisen; in science and medicine, blue box, bron-chodilator, Creutzfddt-Jakob disease, Feynman diagram, hyperspace, nicad, packet switching; repetitive strain injury, and wormhole. Access to large corpora has also facilitated the statistical evaluation of disputed spellings, a re-assessment of the hyphenation of compound nouns and a review of the italicization or other-wise of foreign words and phrases. The general trends away from the hyphenating of compound nouns and away from the italicization of foreign words and phrases are now recorded in the dic-tionary. For example, instead of being hyphenated,aftercare, postdoctoral, and teardrop are now usually written as one word, while boiler room, hand grenade, and tax/driver are usually found as separate words. Similarly, en route, hoi polloi, and tour de force now tend to be written in roman rather than italic script, reflecting their increased assimilation into English. In addition to these changes, some propri-etary terms are now recorded in the dictionary with a lower case initial letter, also reflecting gen-eral usage (but not affecting their legal proprietary status).