

顾曰国 蒋祖康 外语教学与研究出版社





顾曰国 蒋祖康  




  I consider myself very lucky and privileged to be given the opportunity to read the manuscripts ofActive English Learners Workbook series for Band 1 before they are out for general public. Atthe series editors cordial request, I venture to make the following observations.As the title of the series betrays its substance, the series are workbooks, viz. books for learnersto work on. Books of such kind cannot be more timely! The more work you do with English andin English, the more English you learn! This means time and energy. Some may be put off bythis fact, for time and energy are exactly what they are always running out of supply. ""We haveso many other things to do, " they will say. "Theres little time and energy left for English. Tellus the quickest way!" Nowadays there seems to be a general rush for English, and at the sametime an anxious rush for a short-cut route to mastering English. Unfortunately, to the best of myknowledge, there is no such thing as a short-cut way to English. There are only better or poorerways of learning it. The best way to learn is to use it, to work on it.Some of our teachers may also be put off by the Workbook series, for a totally different reason.They find that if students possess too much information, particularly feedback on exercises, theywill have nothing left to offer in class, thus de-authorising their status as a knowledgeableteacher. I have been a teacher for 21 years now. I dont find the students possession of sufficientinformation disadvantageous to me. If my students can learn more things without my help, Icannot be happier. If they can study Active English textbooks all by themselves, this will save alot of class time, which I can use to organise more productive activities such as group work, pair work, panel discussion, inter-group debating, and so on. Furthermore, teacher-led learning tends to foster teacher-dependency, which is far from being desirable. Perhaps it is the greatest reward to a teacher whose students are taught to overtake him/her. The Workbook series will make a positive contribution to the promotion of autonomous learning. As the class size nowadays is getting increasingly large, so large that it is almost impossible for students to get individual attention from the teacher, autonomous learning can no long be dealt with in a lip-service way. Teachers and administrators have to take resolute measures to implement it in order to secure the educational quality which would otherwise deteriorate as a result. The series have some built-in features that are specifically designed for the purpose. I feel confident that both students and teachers will find the series helpful and worth having.


  Getting to know you!(1)、Getting to know you!(2)、Interviews、Finding information、Talking about books、Whats your hometown、Where、Invitations、Talking about TV and movies、Whats your favourite musi、Under the weather、Sport……


Unit 1 Getting to know you! (1)Unit 2 Getting to know you! (2)Unit 3 InterviewsUnit 4 Finding informationUnit 5 Talking about booksUnit 6 Whats your hometown?Unit 7 Where?Unit 8 InvitationsUnit 9 Talking about TV and moviesUnit 10 Whats your favourite music?Unit 11 Under the weatherUnit 12 Sport


  Then, we focused our attention on sports, especially on football and American football. As youknow, football is a confusing word in English. It means different things in Britain and the UnitedStates. If you are still not very clear about the differences between them, you can go to task 3 andtask 5 for useful information. The listening texts in these two tasks will tell you a lot about howAmerican football differs from soccer.Since this is the last unit of this workbook, its time for you to review not only this unit but thewhole book as well. Over the term, you have learned a number of useful functions of spokenEnglish such as greetings, invitations, expressing thanks, and saying goodbye. Please try to usethem in your real life outside the classroom. In listening tasks, youve also learned some essentiallistening skills such as:how to determine the meaning of a new word in context,how to recognize certain features (eg. weak forms, reduction, liaison, incomplete plosive) of spoken English,how to recognize main ideas and important details,how to make use of your background knowledge to understand the listening materials, and how to draw a reasonable conclusion or inference based on the given facts.I hope you will be fully aware of the importance of these skills and use them in your listeningpractice.Before coming to the end of the book, I urge you to ask yourself a few questions.  Are you satisfied with your own performance when dealing with both speaking and listening tasks in the book throughout the term?  Are you familiar with the interactive approach developed in this course?  Can you use what youve learnt to deal with such real-life situations as greetings, sell-introductions, and complaining?  Are you able to get main ideas and important details from the listening materials?  What progress have you made after finishing the course? Moreover, at the end of your textbook——Interactive English, the authors have also prepared for you a detailed "Self-assessment check list" and a "Personal improvement plan". Now please complete the list and think about your own improvement plan, or discuss them with your partner. If you score low on your self-assessment, please go back to the related tasks in the book, and do more listening and speaking practice. Even if you have done well, I still wish you would spend some time going over what youve learnt over the term.


  《当代大学英语》(Active English)是北京外国语大学外语教学与研究出版社与世界最大的跨国教育出版公司培生教育出版集团(Pea rsotl Education)根据我国1999年颁布的《大学英语教学大纲》(修订本)联合推出的新型大学英语系列教材。“学生学习课本”系列在主教材主编,北京外国语大学校长助理.博士生导师顾日国教授指导下,按照主教材两个模块6个级别(基础共核模块:Common Core Module,1-4级;高级实用模块:Advanced Module,5-6级)设计。  基础共核模块简介  《综合英语》(Conlpreflerislve Erlglistl):以阅读真实英语文本为基础,同时进行英语综合技能的训练,其中包括学习技能的传授与培养。4个级别构建了一个完整的文化知识结构网络,把语言教学、文化教学与基本素质教育有机地结合起来。  《听说交互英语》 (Interactive Erbglish):突破听说课程的传统设计模式。4个级别囊括了英语交际的主要功能,突出培养学生在交际互动方面的能力,同时配有听、说、读、写技巧之间的循环操练。  《强化阅读英语》 (Enrjchment Reading):以《综合英语》的文化知识结构网络为主线,为学习者提供大量的阅读真实英语文本和带着问题进行思考的机会,有利于培养学习者自主自发学习的能力。  学生学习课本特点  开放式教材设计与开发理念贯穿各个环节  ——注重听说能力的培养:方法上突出交际法,强调5项技能综合训练和互为补充循环操练。  ——基于任务的编写原则:每个任务包括导学、课文.练习、反馈4个部分。教师以第一人称个性化的形象与学生进行交流,将教与学融会贯通。  ——重视学习过程的自我组织与监控:除设计了不同的学习模式与学习时间表之外,单元自测栏目便于自我检查阶段学习成果。  ——注重培养学生的自主与实践能力:融语言、文化、知识与学习方法和技巧于一体,重素质与学习能力的培养,而不同类型的作业使学生有大量的机会学以致用。  适合用各种学习模式巩固与提高主教材所学内容 互联网学习模式、局域网学习模式、个人电脑学习模式与以印刷教材为主的学习模式均可。  网络教育特点突出,现已列入北京外国语大学网络学院指定教材,北京外国语大学心经教育部批准于2000年正式成立网络教育学院,旨在充分利用计算机技术,发挥北外在师资,教学,科研等方面的综合资源优势,以推动全民英语教育。本系列网络教育特点突出,符合我国加入WTO后,国际经济,技术一体化形势的要求。




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