depression, anxiety, immune disorders, digestive ills, insomnia and migraines. Sparagon says that human beings are not designed for prolonged, high-speed activity. ‘When you look at our heart rates, brain-wave patterns - our basic physiology has not evolved to keep pace with the technology - we are hard-wired to be able to handle a “fight-flight” response where the stress ends within five to ten minutes. In our current culture, though, we struggle for hours on end.’ F Even children are not spared the ills of modern-day overload. There‘s a hidden epidemic of symptoms like hypertension, migraines and digestive problems among children as young as ten - disorders never before seen in children, says Sparagon. Whether these problems result from being swept into the maelstrom of their parents’ lives, or from full loads of extracurricular activities and unprecedented homework requirements - up to five hours a night for some - children are experiencing the same sense of overload, time pressure and demands that their parents experience,“ says Sparagon, ‘and they don’t have coping mechanisms to deal with it. ……
近年来,雅思考试(International English Language Testing System,IELTS)因其科学,公正、客观等特点,为绝大多数英联邦国家的院校和学术机构认可,加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的移民局和专业机构也将此考试成绩作为衡量技术移民及其他类移民英语能力的惟一标准。随着我国对外交流和留学,移民潮的不断升温,雅思考试在众多留学类考试中的地位也水涨船高,日益火爆起来。