《英语教程》是教育部第一套五年制高等职业教育英语教材,填补了该项目的空白。教材根据《五年制高等职业教育实用英语课程基本要求》和《普通高等专科学校英语课程基本要求》,在总结了多年的教改和教学经验的基础上编写而成。 教材根据五年一贯制的特点和学生年龄小、可塑性强的优势,合理设计、统筹安排,体现了五年制高职教材的特色。 教材不同于传统英语课程的教学方式,基本思路立足于提高学生的英语交际能力,采用听读领先的教学模式。 教材突出“立足实用,打好基础,强化能力”的高职英语教学原则。 教材强调以话题为中心,以培养英语交际能力为重点。 教材注重科学性、趣味性、前瞻性,强调实用性。
Unit OneTheme: Classroom Manners1.1 Listening and SpeakingClassroom English1.2 Reading: Text AClassroom Manners(Ⅰ)Text BClassroom Manners(Ⅱ)1.3 Writing and Translation1.4 GrammarThe Parts of Speech and Parts of SentenceUnit TwoTheme: Getting Information2.1 Listening and SpeakingWays of Getting Information2.2 Reading: Text AMeet People on the Internet(Ⅰ)Text BMeet People on the Internet(Ⅱ)2.3 Writing and Translation2.4 GrammarThe Basic Sentence PatternsUnit ThreeTheme: Getting Help3.1 Listening and SpeakingAsking for Help3.2 Reading: Text AFire! Fire!Text BHelp! Help!3.3 Writing and Translation3.4 GrammarVerb FormsUnit FourTheme: Getting Directions4.1 Listening and SpeakingAsking the Way4.2 Reading: Text AGetting LostText BYou Can‘t Miss it!4.3 Writing and Translation4.4 GrammarThe Present Simple Tense and PresentProgressive TenseUnit FiveTheme: Shopping5.1 Listening and SpeakingTalking about Shopping5.2 Reading: Text AShopping in AmericaText BDepartment Stores Tense and SupermarketsTense5.3 Writing and Translation5.4 GrammarThe Past Simple Tense and Past Progressive TenseUnit SixTheme: Holidays6.1 Listening and SpeakingTalking about Holidays6.2 Reading: Text AFather’s DayText BMother‘s Day6.3 Writing and Translation6.4 GrammarThe Future TenseUnit SevenTheme: Science and Life7.1 Listening and SpeakingThe Future Car7.2 Reading: Text ASmart CarsText BHit the Road7.3 Writing and Translation7.4 GrammarThe Present Perfect TenseUnit EightTheme: Failure and Success8.1 Listening and SpeakingHow to Succeed in Life8.2 Reading: Text AHow to Cope with FailureText BSpider Story8.3 Writing and Translation8.4 GrammarAdjectives and AdverbsAppendixⅠ. Word ListⅡ. 元音音标对照表(国标13版与国标14版)