AcknowledgementsIntroductionSection I Issues in teaching and researching speakingConceptual and historical backgroundIntroductionThe skill of speakingThe nature of speech in contrast to writingWhere does speech fit in language studies?SummaryThe research space: paradigms and problemsIntroductionClassical research paradigms in relation to researchingspeakingAttitudes to speech dataThe applicability of research approaches and frameworksto the study of speechThe problem of the status of speech in applied linguisticsWhere are the data for research into speech?SummarySection II Issues for teaching and assessing speakingApproaches, materials and the problem of real speechIntroductionSpoken interaction in contextTeaching global speaking skillsTeaching spoken grammarPerspectives on pronunciation and fluencyBringing the skills togetherSummaryIssues in assessing speakingIntroductionLanguage proficiency versus speaking proficiencyThe issue of interactivityThe issue of creating authentic conditions for speech testingThe issue of spoken genres and testingIntegrated versus discrete skills testingA comparison of test paradigms for oral assessmentThe criteria for three tests of speaking comparedSummaryApproaches to researching speechIntroductionResearch into global features of speechGrammar, structural choices and the spoken languageResearch into fluency and pronunciationSunmmarySome new directionsIntroductionMode-based researchTheoretical orientations on the role and status of speechEvidence from speech pathologyModality, processing and memorySpeaking, writing and teaching spoken/writren forms oflanguageSummary of central issues discussed in relation to newapproaches to speechSummarySection III Researching speakingClassrooms, research and spoken modeIntroductionImplications of the nature of spoken discourse onteaching speechMoving towards your own project on spoken discourseSources of inspiration for researchResearch project ideas and frameworksIntroductionProjects on oral interaction: a discourse analysis approachand an experimental approachProjects on one particular spoken discourse feature:an action-research approach and a conversation analysisapproachProjects on oral task difficulty: two approaches to quantifying complexityProjects on differences between mode: two experimentalapproachesSection IV Resources and further informationResearch borders and boundariesIntroductionSpeaking and ethnographic or cross-cultural studiesSpeaking and psycholinguisticsSpeaking and neuro-linguistic studiesSpeaking and corpus linguisticsSpeaking and new technologiesResearch resourcesTraditional library resourcesDatabases and sound archives (both on-line and on CD-ROM)Speech corporaSocieties and organisationsSpeech recognition and text-to-speechOn-line pronunciation and intonation resourcesResearch skills summariesOther on-line resourcesGlossaryReferencesIndex