“语境理论”和“图式理论”的研究表明,在真实的对话情景中,说话者的面部表情、姿态、眼神、身体的亲近程度、手势等都能提供非常丰富的背景信息。对听说学习者而言,这些可视的线索更容易激活其大脑中相关的背景知识,从而使他们在背景知识和听力材料的互动中理解意义。听说教学添加视觉元素,有利于摆脱传统的以文字为主的“重听力技能教学”这种脱离真实交流语境的僵化训练,逐步向“听力技能与听力理解能力并重”的真实语境下的互动教学模式转变。随着网络信息技术的进步和可视资源的不断丰富,多媒体在教学方面的应用得到迅猛的发展,只通过单一的声音来训练学生的听说能力已远远不能满足教学双方的需求。商务英语视听说课程是培养商务英语专业学生听说交际能力的主要形式。由于我国商务英语教学起步较晚,特别是受到影视制作和设备的限制,目前与该课程相适应的教材和配套音像材料比较缺乏,几乎所有开设商务英语课程的学校都只能利用录音教授听说课。为了满足大专院校商务英语视听课程的教学需求,填补目前高职高专商务英语视听说教材的空白,《新视野商务英语视听说》教材编写组与相关院校的专家学者共同研讨,进行了大量的国内、国际比较,精心收集、梳理相关资料,认真设计、编撰教材体例和内容,以期使我国商务英语视听说教学的教材建设有所突破。(《新视野商务英语视听说》具有以下特点:1.直观生动:采用现代数码、多媒体技术手段,制作配套的录像,给教学内容赋予更加直观、丰富的视觉画面,尤其将商务情景通过音像演播的形式展现,必将大大提高商务英语课程的教学质量。 2.难度适中:内容和语言难度适合国内高职高专商务英语专业学生,并按照学生学习语言和商务知识及技能的不同阶段编排教学内容。商务知识和语言难点方面的注释和练习的设计充分考虑了目前高职高专商务英语教学及学习者的实际水平,特别是在教材的内容以及商务背景和环境的选择等方面更加注重中国商务文化环境和商贸活动的特点。 3.突出应用:每单元的选题紧扣当今商务行政和国际贸易活动的某一个方面,各章节练习围绕学生在该领域将要面对并应该了解和掌握的问题展开;每一个模块都基于一个模拟的商务交际情景,使学生在掌握语言技能的同时,能够在模拟 商务场景中操练商务交际技能,并了解相关的商务知识。
《新视野商务英语视听说》是国内首套为高职高专商务英语专业学生编写的视听说教材。本教材突破传统听力教学模式,通过教学录像与配套练习构建了视、听、说有机结合的互动教学模式,有利于循序渐进地提高学生的商务英语交际能力。 本教材分为上、下两册,每册十个单元,涵盖商务交际活动的不同方面。每单元由“交际技巧”、“语言知识”、“商务实践”三部分构成: 领会交际技巧:几十段教学录像生动再现了各类商务活动情境,对录像的观摩和讨论有助于学生掌握商务交际技巧。 拓展语言知识:针对每一个情境提供的常用表达帮助学生进一步拓展知识,举一反三。 注重商务实践:模拟场景练习为学生提供活用交际技巧和语言知识的机会,提高他们在实际情境中的交流和应变能力。 学生用书和教师用书均配有多媒体光盘:学生光盘主要提供教材中的录像和练习;教师光盘针对录像提供正常和慢速两种语速,并补充更多商务英语录像资料,丰富课堂教学内容。
Unit 1 A Factory TourUnit 2 Trade FairUnit 3 Making EnquiriesUnit 4 Negotiating PricesUnit 5 Placing an OrderUnit 6 Terms of PaymentUnit 7 DeliveryUnit 8 Compoaints and ClaimsUnit 9 MarketingUnit 10 Advertising
The exhibition programme should be analogously defined in line with the aims ofthe trade fair. The exhibition programme is derived from the answers to the followingquestions:Can the entire product range be shown or should only selected items be presented?What essentials are required to show your products?Which products are new, improved or superior to the competition?What must be specially featured?Which product corresponds to the future needs of the target group?Have current trends been taken into account (socially, economically, technically)?Are the design, colours and packaging effective?Should special trade fair models be manufactured?What has to be explained? Should this be done via text panels, displays or videos?Can the products be practically demonstrated? If so, which auxiliary and operatingmaterials are necessary (e.g. electricity, gas, compressed air)?How much space is available? The list of exhibits will determine how the space can be utilised and how the standcan be designed.Registration and organizational preparations Many trade fairs can be fully booked quite quickly. An early registration is thereforeadvisable. Depending on the rotation, the deadline for application may be six to eighteenmonths before the event. Since an indication of the space required is necessary for registration, a rough designfor the stand should be prepared ahead. At most trade fairs, a wide range of services are available, from stand constructionengineers right through to interpreters.Trade fair stands A trade fair stand is like a companys business card. It therefore should correspondin terms of size and furnishing with the standards found in your company as well asbeing suitable for the products that are to be exhibited. The technical execution of thestand must be effective and competitive. The focus should be on a customer-friendlypresentation of your exhibits. The trade fair stand should appeal to the eyes and ears and may also make anemotional appeal to the visitors.