

陈琳 外研社









  本教材是外语教学与研究出版社依据教育部制定的国家《英语课程标准》,在充分调研和科研论证的基础上,与著名教育出版机构——英国麦克米伦出版公司共同推出的中小学英语教材——《英语》(新标准)的初中部分。  本教材中方主编是北京外国语大学的陈琳教授,副主编是华中师范大学的鲁子问副教授。英方主编Simon Greenall先生是世界知名的教材编写专家,国际英语教师协会前任主席。编者Kathryn Harper女士、Mary Tomalin女士、CherylPelteret女士、Jill Florent女士均为知名的英语教材编写专家。参加本书编写的还包括具有丰富教学经验的大学和中学英语教师王笃勤、朱丽萍和王路等。  《英语》(新标准)初中部分共有六册,分别适用于初中一年级至三年级六个学期。本套教材具备以下特色:  一、遵循“以人为本”的教育理念,以学习者的年龄和认知能力为基础,全面培养学生的综合语言应用能力,寓素质教育于英语教学之中。 二、继续遵循《英语》(新标准)系列教材的“题材-功能-结构-任务”编写原则,博采众家之长,探索适合中国学生英语学习的途径和方法。  三、贯彻国家《英语课程标准》初中阶段对语言知识的各项要求,运用多种方法使学生在初中毕业时达到1600个单词的词汇量。  四、从多方面强化语言技能的训练,特别关注学生学习策略的培养;结合每个模块的主题,对学生进行文化意识方面的渗透。  五、注重题材和功能的多样化,课文语言地道鲜活,难度适中,突出体现初中学生的年龄与兴趣特点。  六、在语法体系设计方面,系统地安排了各种语法项目,确保学生在初中毕业时达到国家《英语课程标准》五级的整体要求。  七、为提高学生的自学能力,附录部分列举了对“学生用书”语言点的讲解、主要语法现象的归纳总结、词汇表以及不规则动词表。  八、针对不同层面和教学环境的教师,我们特别编写了信息量大且实用的“教师用书”,不仅包括详细的授课流程引导(英文),还有针对每个模块特别编写的教学目标、内容分析、各单元详细的教学过程建议、教学评价建议和教学资源库。  九、本教材遵循教学资源化的理念,分别邀请英方专家和中方的测试专家编写了配套的“阅读”和“同步评价手册”等多种练习册,我们还陆续为广大师生出版了配套的多媒体和网上资源。


  《英语(新标准):学生用书(初中3年级下册)》是由外语教学与研究出版社和英国麦克米伦出版公司依据国家《英语新课程标准》联合编写的系列英语教材。全套共六册,每学期一册。根据国家《英语课程标准》编写,符合国家标准,适应21世纪对英语人才培养的需要,具有前瞻性。  以“题材-功能-结构-任务”为编写原则,努力为学习者营造语境,精心设计内容,学练结合,符合语言教学规律,具有新颖性和可操作性。以学生为中心,按学生身心发展规律与兴趣特点设计语言活动,体现素质教育的要求,具有科学性。由中英两国英语教学专家合作编写,由中英两国权威外语出版机构联合出版,质量可靠。


1 Travel2 Education3 Now and then4 The way we look5 Rules and suggestionsRevisionModule A6 Look after yourself7 Eating fogether8 On the fown9 English for you and me10 My future lifeRevisionModule BAppendicesLanguage notesGuide to language useWords and expressionsProper namesVocabularyIrregular verbsRhymes


  Tell me about your parents, brothers and sisters.  My parents, my sister and three brothers lived in a small house beside a restaurant. We werent Very rich, but we were happy. My sister was the eldest child and she left school when she was only 12 to help my mother at home. Families have-changed a lot since 1 was young. They were much bigger in those days. Most of my friends had lots of brothers and sisters. Today most people only have one child! Did your parents have jobs?  My father went out to work. He was a factory worker, and he often worked 12 hours a day. Mymum wanted to work. She was a teacher before she met my father. Looking after us was a fulltime job, so she stayed at home. Today its normal for married women to go out to work, but it was less common in the past. My father had the same job the whole of his working life. These days people change their jobs much more often. What was life like at home?  Well, I remember the family meals, three times a day. My mother was always cooking for us. We werent rich but we ate enough. And the food was always freshly cooked my mother never bought ready made food as people do today, so it was much better for us. And of course we didnt have television, so we played games together and read a lot. I helped my younger brother with his homework in the evenings. Where did you meet your husband?  I first met him 60 years ago. I was carrying some heavy bags on my bike and I fell off! He stopped and picked up my bags. My parents liked him, and thought he came from a good family so we got married a year later. I was only 19.  These days most couples meet at work, and they just hope their parents will be happy for them if they marry. Has Beijing changed?  Yes, there are lots more buildings and so much more traffic! I cant believe the number of cars on the streets. But I suppose its the same everywhere. And I walk less these days and take the bus more. And do you think life is better today?  Well, I think so. Im healthier than lve ever been. We live longer and we eat better. One day Ill be talking to your own grandchildren!






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