

刘凤玲 主编 外语教学与研究出版社





刘凤玲 主编  




根据《五年制高等职业教育实用英语课程基本要求》和《普通高等专科学校英语课程基本要求》,在总结了多年的教改和教学经验的基础上编写而成。   根据五年一贯制的特点和学生年龄、可塑性强的优势,合理设计、统筹安排,体现了五年制高职教材的特色。   不同于传统英语课程的教学方式,基本思路立足于提高学生的英语交际能力,采用听读领先的教学模式。   突出“立足实用,打好基础,强化能力”的高职英语教学原则。   强调以话题为中心,以培养英语交际能力为重点。   注重科学性、趣味性、前瞻性,强调实用性。


Unit One The Web Lifestyle Unit Two Education Unit Three Products and Process Unit Four Teamwork Unit Five Job and Occupation Review One Unit Six History Unit Seven Philosophy Unit Eight Environment Unit Nine Personal Identification Unit Ten Science and Technology Review Two Appendix Glossary.


  being oddities.These things have become such anintegral part of[ife that they are no Longer noticed,Let alone remarked upon. In the same way,within a decade no one wiltnotice the Web.It will just be there,an integral port ofLife.It will be areftex to tum to the Web for shopping,education,entertainment and communication.just asit is natural today to pick up the telephone to to[k to someone. There is incredible interest in the Web.Yet it is still in its infancy.The technologyand the speed of response are about to Leap forward.This will move more and morepeople to the Web as part of their everyday Lives.EventualLy,everyone’s businesscard wit[have an electronic mail address.Every Lawyer,every doctor and everybusiness-from Large to 5moll-Will connected. In the United States elections.people now turn to the Internet tO see real-timeresults.The Pathfinder mission to Mars and the problems with The Mir Space Stationdrew millions of people to the Web for more up-to-date detaik than were availableelsewhere. A change Like this is often generational.Where older people have to Learnsomething new outside their everyday experiences,kids who grow up with a newtechnology simply treat it as given.College campuses in particular are providing theingredients to generate the criticalmass for a Web.ready cutture. Today in the United States,there are over 22 miLLion aduIts using the Web.abouthalf of whom access the Internet at[east once a day.Meanwhile,the variety ofactivities on the Web is broadening at an amazing rate.There is almost no topic forwhich you cannot find fairly interesting material on the Web.Many of these sitesare getting excellent traffic flow.Want to buy a dog?Or sell a share?Or order acar?Use the Internet.Where are we going to get the time to Live with the Web?Insome instances,people wilt actuaL~save time because theWeb will make doing things more efficient than the past.Being able to get information about a major purchase,forexample.Or finding out how much your used car is worth.Or what is your cheapest way of getting to FLorida.That isvery easy to find on the Web,even today.In other instances.




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