

Jeliet Bredon 外语教学与研究出版社





Jeliet Bredon  










裴丽珠(?~1937),原名JUliet Bredon,英国人。她的父亲Robert E.Bredon(中文名裴式楷)和叔叔赫德爵士《Sir Robert Hart)都曾在中国海关机构担任要职。裴丽珠在北京度过了一生中的大部分时光。她能说一日流利的中文,喜与北京当地百姓交流,谙熟这座大都市的每·个角落、每一条胡同和它的社会习俗。裴丽珠还著有:《赫德爵士传奇》、《中国人的阴影》、《阴历年:中国风俗节日记》、《百坛记》、《中国的新年节日》等。其中,这本《北京纪胜》和《阴历年》影晌较大。


Chapter Ⅰ Peking——A Historical SketchChapter Ⅱ The Wonderful Walls of PekingChapter Ⅲ The Legation Quarter and Modern PekingChapter Ⅳ The Picturesqueness of the PastChapter Ⅴ The Forbidden CityChapter Ⅵ The Wings of the Forbidden City and the Coal HillChapter Ⅶ The Sea Palaces and the Mongol Throne HallChapter Ⅶ The Temple of Heaven and the Temple of AgricultureChapter Ⅸ Three Temples of Three FaithsChapter Ⅹ Temples of Many GodsChapter Ⅺ Temples of the Tartar CityChapter Ⅻ Temples of the Chinese CityChapter ⅩⅢ Temples and Tombs outside the CityChapter ⅩⅣ The Summer Palaces and the Jade FountainChapter ⅩⅤ Temples of the Western HillsChapter ⅩⅥ Temples of the Western Hills——(Concluded)Chapter ⅩⅦ The Great Wall and the Ming TombsChapter ⅩⅧ The Hsi Ling and the Tung LingChapter ⅩⅨ Peking--The Old Curiosity ShopChapter ⅩⅩ The Fun of the FairAppendix Ⅰ The Dynasties of ChinaAppendix Ⅱ The Principal Festivals and Fairs in Peking


The French found quarters in the fu or palace of the Duke of Chin. famous for its lovely garden.The Chin family.once rich and powerful.Had fallen on evil days and the property was half in ruins.When the French took it over,some of the tumble-down out-buildings were full of crickets in small earthenware pots.Now in those days fighting crickets,like fighting quails,was a favourite sport among the Chinese.Champion animalS often cost large sums.and the last degenerate representative Of this noble family had squandered the remains of his substance on them.The Legation was somewhat enlarged after the Siege.part of the site Of Chamot’S Hotel being added to it.Of the original buildings,the chancery,formerly the chapel,is the most important which remains.The British Legation has an equally picturesque history.Originally given as a residence by the Emperor K'ang Hsi to his thirty-third son (whose descendants had the title of Dukes of Liangl this fu was also falling into decay owing to the poverty of the noble owners.The British leased it from the Tsungli Yamen(the old Foreign Office)at~~500 per annum.For forty years the rent was regularly paid,in silver ingots taken in a mule cart by the Chinese Secretary of the Legation to the Yamen every Chinese New Year.Many of the buildings were beyond repair.Part of the Minister’S house,however,is the original palace of the Dukes of Liang and the state approaches guarded by stone lions,the open pavilions(ting’rhs)with thei rred pillars,and the quaint kiosks in the gardens were restored and preserved as far as possible,thereby greatly enhancing the picturesqueness of the Legation. The British always had the largest ground space of any Legation in Pekinh-an area still further extended after 1900 when the sites of the Han Lin College and the Impefial Carriage Park were added to it.For this reason the British compound was chosen as the refuge for all non-combatants in 1900.T110ugh the fighting here was never SO severe as in the French Legation (most of whose buildings were destroyed)there iS,none the less,much within its walls to remind US of a gallant defe:nee.The Councillor’S garden. for instance.was turned into a cemetery where hasty funerals were held, often under a rain of bullets.







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