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  《现代英语教程》是一套专门为中国成人高等教育学生编写的英语教材。教材的编写遵照“综合法”(Method Synergistics)的教学理论,采用博采众长,兼收并蓄的原则,强调基本功的训练,要求学生精练、勤练、苦练,顺利通过英语学习的入门关,帮助非英语专业成人本科学生通过申请学士学位所必需的英语统一考试。  《现代英语教程》是在国家教育部、北京市教育委员会有关领导的支持和推动下,以及兄弟院校同仁们的鼓励下问世的。1999年起在北京市成人高校试用,2000年国家教育部在全国推广使用。学校使用后反应教学效果显著,学生实际应用英语的能力得到普遍提高,因而受到广大师生们的好评。《现代英语教程》先后被评为教育部“全国成人高等教育规划教材”(2001年),“普通高等教育‘十五’国家级规划教材”(2003年),“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”(2006年)。  “成人,业余,终身化”是本套教材的最大特点。因而,贯穿始终的编写原则是要培养学生的自学能力,帮助学生掌握学好英语的方法。学生不仅要正确理解,还要善于应用;不仅要会听说,还要会读写。  为适应我国成人高等教育发展的需要,在获得了各方面好评和认可的情况下,根据收集到的反馈意见和有关专家的建议及教学目标要求,我们对该套教材进行了进一步修订。在保持教材原有优点的同时,新版大幅度地丰富了内容,增加了信息量和练习;语法项目安排更加完整、系统;各单元都增加了听力练习。部分课文内容进行了更新,特别是第三至六级,跨度更趋循序渐进。教师用书的每单元增加了背景知识及课文详解,这样会更利于学生能力的训练,也更便于教师们使用。原教材主体为一、二、三级。为使教材更加科学、合理,同时也根据社会需求,这次,我们将《现代英语教程》(第二版)修订改编成六级,其中一至三级供专科学生使用,四至六级供专升本学生使用。《现代英语教程》(第二版)配有多媒体光盘,从而构成了一套名副其实的含纸介教材,录音带和光盘的全新立体化教材。






Unit 1 The Sea 背景知识 课文详解 语法补充材料 参考答案 课文参考译文Unit 2 A Letter to a Teacher 背景知识 课文详解 参考答案 课文参考译文Unit 3 Kites 背景知识 课文详解 语法补充材料 参考答案 课文参考译文Unit 4 Late One Evening 背景知识 课文详解 语法补充材料 参考答案 课文参考译文Unit 5 Fire!Fire! 背景知识 课文详解 参考答案 课文参考译文Unit 6 Memory 背景知识 课文详解 参考答案 课文参考译文Unit 7 Oil 背景知识 课文详解 参考答案 课文参考译文Unit 8 Crazy About Animals 背景知识 课文详解 参考答案 课文参考译文Unit 9 How to Make Money--And How Not To? 背景知识 课文详解 参考答案 课文参考译文Unit 10 Time to Leave the Nest Yet? 背景知识 课文详解 参考答案 课文参考译文English Proficiency TestsKey to English Proficiency Tests


  The characteristics of the moon that make it bad for human survival may make it ideal for certain kinds of manufacturing.Operations requiring a vacuum,extreme cold,or sterility are examples.Precision ball bearings,industrial diamonds or pharmaceuticals might be produced onthemoon.  6.The area ofthe moon is———————.  A.about the same as that ofNorth and South America  B.1arger than that ofNorth and South America  C.equal to that ofNorth and South America  D.far smaller than that ofNorth and South America  7.The temperature on the moon can be as high as————————.  A.-150℃  B.+270℃  C.+120℃  D.-30℃  8.According to this passage,the colonization ofthe moon—————.  A.will soon be realized  B.can be done under the lunar surface  C.is being speculated by many scientists  D.sounds entirely impossible  9.To stay alive on the moon,the early settlers must first of all be able to—————.  A.develop commerce  B.get enough food,oxygen and water  C.make discoveries important to science  D.explore the possibilities of industrial development  10.Though the environment on the moon is bad for human survival,it is very good for—————.  A.making such things as industrial diamonds  B.all kinds ofmanufactured goods  C.medical operations  D.commercial development  Passage 3  Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:In Switzerland,six miles west of Geneva,lies a collection of laboratories and buildings,and,most curious of all,a circular mound of earth more than 650 feet in diameter.This clusterhas unique importance.It is Europe’S one and only atomic city dedicated to investigation ofthe atom for peaceful purposes.The strange buildings belong to the European Council for Nuclear Research,morepopularly known,from its French initials,as CERN.The council was born when a handful ofstatesmen and scientific experts met in Paris in 1 950.Their aim was“to establish an organizationproviding for collaboration among European states in nuclear research of a pure scientific andfundamental character.”The CERN agreement was signed in 1 953,and work on the atomic city began in 1 954.Today CERN’S facilities are among the most modem and the most diversified in the world.Impressive as the scientific aspect may be,the real significance of CERN may lie with thethousand people——the scientists,lab workers,and administrative crew drawn from the fourteenmember nations——who populate it.British engineers work side by side with Swiss electricians,Yugoslav nuclear physicists,and Dutch mathematicians.The official languages are French andEnglish,with German an unofficial third.But CERN is no tower of Babel——the language ofscience is universal and all-embracing.  11.The European Council for Nuclear Research was evolved by————.  A.the Officers of the United Nations  B.a group ofEuropean scientists  C.the statesmen and scientists of Switzerland  D.a handful of statesmen and scientific experts  12.CERN was established with the aim ofpromoting————.  A.nuclear research of a fundamental character  B.collaboration among the world’S nuclear scientists  C.pure study in all fields of science  D.bothA andB  13.fERN’S facilities for research are————.  A.limitedbut effecfive  B.among the best in the world  C.rapidly expanding  D.both A and C  14.The selection says that CERN is not a tower ofBabel because————.  A.work iS the common denominator of all the staff  B.the language of science is universal  C.CERN has adopted only two official languages  D.all the workers are drawn from one country  15.The real significance ofCERN may lie in its staffbecause they————.  A.work in international harmony  B.come from all over the world  C.are investigating all phases ofhuman conduct  D.are eliminating the problems of individual nationalism  Passage 4  Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage: Adam Smith,writing in the 1770s,was the first person to see the importance of the division of labour and to explain part of its advantages.He gives as an example of the process by which pins were made in England.  “One man draws out the wire,another strengthens it,a third cuts it,a fourth points it,afifth grinds it at the top to prepare it to receive the head.To make the head requires two orthree distinct operations.To put it on is a separate operation;to polish the pins is another.It is even a仃ade by itself to put them into the paper.And the important business of making pins is.in this manner,divided into about eighteen distinct operations,which in some factories are allperformed by different people,though in others the same man will sometimes perform two orthree ofthem.” Ten men,Smith said,in this way,turned out twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4.800pins apiece.But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division oflabour,they certainly could not,each of them,have made twenty pins in a day and perhaps noteven one. There can be no doubt that division of labour,provided that it is not taken too far,is anefficient way of organising work.Fewer people can make more pins.Adam Smith saw this buthe also took it for granted that division of labour is in itself responsible for economic growthand development and that it accounts for the difference between expanding economies andthose that stand still.But division of labour adds nothing new;it only enables people toproduce more of what they already have.




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