

楼光庆,马荣华,曾添桂 编 外语教学与研究出版社



楼光庆,马荣华,曾添桂 编  




  《现代英语教程》是一套专门为中国成人高等教育学生编写的英语教材。教材的编写遵照“综合法”(Method Synergistics)的教学理论,采用博采众长、兼收并蓄的原则,强调基本功的训练,要求学生精练、勤练、苦练,顺利通过英语学习的入门关,帮助非英语专业成人本科学生通过申请学士学位所必需的英语统一考试。  《现代英语教程》是在国家教育部、北京市教育委员会有关领导的支持和推动下,以及兄弟院校同仁们的鼓励下问世的。1999年起在北京市成人高校试用,2000年教育部在全国推广使用。学校使用后反应教学效果显著,学生实际应用英语的能力得到普遍提高。《现代英语教程》先后被评为教育部“全国成人高等教育规划教材”(2001年),“普通高等教育‘十五’国家级规划教材”(2003年),“普通高等教育‘十一五’国家级规划教材”(2006年)。  “成人,业余,终身化”是本套教材的最大特点。因此,贯穿始终的编写原则是要培养学生的自学能力,帮助学生掌握学好英语的方法。学生不仅要正确理解,还要善于应用;不仅要会听说,还要会读写。  为适应我国成人高等教育发展的需要,在获得了各方面好评和认可的情况下,根据收集到的反馈意见和有关专家的建议及教学目标要求,我们对本套教材进行了修订。在保持教材原有优点的同时,新版大幅度地丰富了内容,增加了信息量和练习;语法项目安排更加完整、系统;各单元都增加了听力练习。部分课文内容进行了更新,特别是第三至六级,跨度更趋循序渐进。教师用书的每单元增加了背景知识及课文详解,从而更利于学生能力的训练,也更便于教师们使用。原教材主体为一、二、三级。为使教材更加科学、合理,同时也根据社会需求,这次,我们将《现代英语教程》(第二版)修订改编成六级,其中一至三级供专科学生使用。四至六级供专升本学生使用。  《现代英语教程》(第二版)配有多媒体光盘,从而构成了一套名副其实的包含纸介教材、录音带和光盘的全新立体化教材。  在教材的修订过程中,我们得到了外语教学与研究出版社的大力支持和通力协作,特别是高等英语教育出版分社常小玲社长,项目负责人赵东岳,高淑芬,编辑李萍。他们自始至终参与了策划工作,提供了大量反馈信息,并承担了繁重的编辑任务。在此,我们向他们致以诚挚的谢意。  由于水平有限,不当之处,在所难免,衷心希望广大教师和学生批评指正。以便我们进一步改进和完善此套教材。


  《现代英语教程3(第2版)(附CD-ROM光盘1张)》是一套专门为中国成人高等教育学生编写的英语教材。教材的编写遵照“综合法”(Method Synergistics)的教学理论,采用博采众长、兼收并蓄的原则,强调基本功的训练,要求学生精练、勤练、苦练,顺利通过英语学习的入门关,帮助非英语专业成人本科学生通过申请学士学位所必需的英语统一考试。


Unit 1 The Wooden BowlText: The Wooden BowlGrammar: Past Progressive TenseWriting: Topic Sentence of a ParagraphReading: The BuilderListening: Asking for RepetitionSpeaking: Conversation Openings and ClosingsUnit 2 EmailsText: EmailsGrammar: Past Perfect TenseWriting: Paragraph Developer, Transitional Sentence and ConclusionReading: Cell PhonesListening: Asking for RepetitionSpeaking: Introductions and Address SystemsUnit 3 Parents: Internet Is a Double-Edged SwordText: Parents: Internet Is a Double-Edged SwordGrammar: Passive VoiceWriting: Paragraph UnityReading: Computers Will Change Our Lives MoreListening: Agreement and DisagreementSpeaking: Getting Peoples Attention and InterruptingUnit 4 Acid RainText: Acid RainGrammar: Subjunctive MoodWriting: Paragraph CoherenceReading: Effects of and Solutions to Acid RainListening: Agreement and DisagreementSpeaking: Thanking People and Replying to ThanksUnit 5 Fast Food Nation——Obesity as an EpidemicText: Fast Food Nation——Obesity as an EpidemicGrammar: Non-Finite Verb FormsWriting: Paragraph CoherenceReading: The Bitter Truth About Fast FoodListening: Giving and Asking for InformationSpeaking: Getting Around BeijingUnit 6 Its a Wonderful LifeText: Its a Wonderful LifeGrammar: Non-Finite Verb FormsWriting: List and Example ParagraphsReading: A New Way to Look at ResolutionsListening: Enquiries and OpinionsSpeaking: Road Signs and Traffic ControlUnit 7 The Story of the First BarometerText: The Story of the First BarometerGrammar: Objective ClauseWriting: Chronological, Spatial and Process ParagraphsReading: Solar Water HeaterListening: Definitions and ExplanationsSpeaking: Buying Discount/Cheap Air TicketsUnit 8 Mothers DayText: Mothers DayGrammar: Direct Speech and Indirect SpeechWriting: Classification and DefinitionReading: The History of Earth DayListening: Suggestions and PersuasionSpeaking: Youth HostelsUnit 9 Nudie—— The Australian JuiceText: Nudie——The Australian JuiceGrammar: "it" StructuresWriting: Comparison and ContrastReading: Dos and Donts in Choosing a BusinessListening: Concern and ComfortSpeaking: Making DumplingsUnit 10 The Olympic GamesText: The Olympic GamesGrammar: Inverted Word OrderWriting: Cause and EffectReading: An Olympic Winner Turns His Victory into Childs PlayListening: Complaints, Apologies and DisagreementsSpeaking: Expressing Anger and Resolving ConflictGlossary


  A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and a four-year-old grandson. The old mans hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together nightly at the dinner table. But the elderly grandfather s shaky hands and failing sight made eating rather difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk often spilled onto the tablecloth. The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess. "We must do something about Grandfather," said the son. "Ive had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor."  So the husband and wife set a small table in the comer. There, Grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner at the dinner table. Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl. Sometimes when the family glanced in Grandfathers direction, he had tears in his eyes as he ate alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork   r spilled food.  The four-year-old watched it all in silence. One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly, "What are you making?" Just as sweetly, the boy answered.




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