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《音乐剧英语综合教程》是根据教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》(2007年)中的较高要求和更高要求编写的拓展类英语教材。基于对学生学习兴趣和需求的调查,顺应时代发展和教学改革的需要.我们精心策划和编写了这本集文字、声音和影像于一体的立体化英语教材。我们以经典音乐剧台前幕后的信息为素材,设计快速阅读,深层阅读,课外泛读以及视、听、说等多种练习。希望本书不仅能向读者介绍音乐剧基本知识.而且能以喜闻乐见的方式帮助读者全面提高听、说、读、写、译等英语技能。 本书特点 1.以音乐剧为载体,把知识性和趣味性融为一体 音乐剧已经有两千多年的历史,以音乐、舞蹈为主要表现形式。音乐与戏剧的有机结合使得这一综合艺术得以迅速发展和普及,并逐渐形成其完美、鲜明的独特风格。20世纪60年代以来,音乐剧数量与日俱增,尤其是英、美国家的音乐剧风靡世界,受到人们的普遍欢迎。 本书力图寓教于乐,精选了10部获奖英语音乐剧,每个单元围绕一部音乐剧展开各项语言活动。通过试用发现,该教材不但可以大大提高学习者学习英语的兴趣,而且能够使他们学到音乐、舞蹈、表演等方面的专业知识。此外,音乐剧中的歌曲重音清楚、节奏明快,对学习者提高听说能力起到非常重要的作用。我们希望更多的读者能够在阅读、讨论、观看、评论和表演音乐剧的过程中,提高各项英语技能。 2.内容丰富,语言真实 “读写部分”又细分为三部分:快速阅读部分以百老汇音乐剧知识为素材;精读部分课文内容为该单元所涉及的音乐剧剧情介绍;泛读部分提供该音乐剧的创作、改编、选角、获奖等背景信息。 “听说部分”取材于集英语对话与歌曲于一体的音乐剧精彩片段,语境真实,语言地道。 此外,每个单元最后,还附有本单元音乐剧中的精彩台词,供学生欣赏、背诵。 3.练习形式灵活多样,活动互动性强 阅读理解练习:既有大学英语四、六级和研究生入学考试的常见题型,又有信息匹配、是非判断等题型,既能检查、巩固对文章的理解,也能使学生适应不同类型的练习。
Unit 1 West Side Story Part I Reading & Writing Fast Reading What Is a Musical Intensive Reading Synopsis of West Side Story Extensive Reading More Information on West Side Story Part II Listening & Speaking Episode 1 Maria Episode 2 TonightUnit 2 Dreamgirls Part I Reading & Writing Fast Reading Key Players in Making a Musical:The Creative Team(1) Intensive Reading Synopsis ofDreamgirls Extensive Reading More Information on Dreamgirls Part II Listening & Speaking Episode 1 Listen Episode 2 Hard to Say GoodbyeUnit 3 Hairspray Part I Reading & Writing Fast Reading Key Players in Making a Musical:The Creative Team(2) Intensive Reading Synopsis ofHairspray Extensive Reading More Information on Hairspray……Unit 4 Singin'in the rainUnit 5 The sound of musicUnit 6 RentUnit 7 EvitaUnit 8 My fair ladyUnit 9 The phantom of the operaUnit 10 CatsGlosary
The soundtrack album made more money than any other album before it. The film ranked No. 41 on American Film Institutes list of greatest American movies, No. 2 on its list of best musicals and No. 3 on its list of the best romantic American movies. On the list of the greatest songs from American movies, "Tonight" ranked No. 59, "America" ranked No. 35, and "Somewhere" ranked No. 20. The film has been deemed "culturally significant" by the United States Library of Congress and was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry in 1997. Larry Kert, who originated the role of Tony, was 30 around the time of the production, and the producers wanted actors who looked believable as teenagers. Carol Lawrence, at 29, was considered too old for Maria. This caused some controversy and dissatisfaction when people learned she had been passed over in favor of a new actress. Only Tony Mordente (Action in the film) and George Chakiris (Bernardo in the film) were invited to act in the film version. Elvis Presley was originally approached for Tony. However, his manager, Colonel Parker, strongly believed the role to be wrong for Elvis and made him decline in favor of other movie musicals. When the movie became a hit and earned ten Oscars, Elvis later regretted giving up the part. He was only one of many young stars that were in consideration for the role of Tony. Several Hollywood men auditioned for the part. Bobby Darin made a strong impression on the producers at his audition and was, at one point, in talks for the role. However, he turned it down due to his concert and recording commitments. Tab Hunter, then 30, and Butt Reynolds, nearly 26, were also considered, due to their Broadway and singing credits, but they were dismissed as being too old. Robert Wise originally chose Warren Beatty for the role, figuring that youth was more important than experience. Ultimately, former child-actor Richard Beymer, who was the most unlikely of the candidates, won the part of Tony.
视角独特,寓教于乐:每单元围绕一部获奖音乐剧,以其台前幕后的信息和视频片段为素材,设计听、说、读、写、译练习。精心安排,环环相扣:各单元的读写板块介绍音乐剧基本知识、剧情梗概和幕后信息,为之后的听说练习做好铺垫。 统筹兼顾,综合提高:不仅帮助学生全面提高语言技能.而且拓展与音乐剧相关的音乐、舞蹈、表演等方面的知识。