

李俊和 编 外语教研





李俊和 编  




  本套《高中英语语法训练》依据国家《普通高中英语课程标准》的教学要求和理念编写,是新课标高中英语教材的同步语法训练材料。本套书共5册,配合外语教学与研究出版社出版的《英讲》(新标准)的高中必修1-5使用;鉴于语法的规律是普遍适用的,同时也适合使用其他教材的学生。  本套书具有以下几个特点:  一、强调在使用英语中学习语法,为使用英语而学习语法。把准确并有实际意义的交际放在第一位,努力使学生在“学中用”,在“用中学”。本套书侧重基础语法知识的理解和掌握,涉及范围和难度均与高考《考试说明》一致,不搞偏、难和怪的东西。  二、与教材同步,按照《英语课程标准》的语法分项要求设置内容。本套书语法训练的内容与教材各单元的话题、语音和词汇同步,按照学生学习教材的进度设计,语言材料由易到难,由浅入深。除一至五册未在目录中列出的虚拟语气和倒装外,本套书包括了高中英语语法的各个主要项目。内容除个别模块作了调整外,每个模块的语法基本与课本教授的顺序一致,同时适当联系初中学过的语法知识。  三、注意从学生的实际需要出发。根据高中学生学习英语的具体困难,本套书采用新课标英语高考的各种新形式,改变学生学习语法难的闲境,让学生能自主地体验语法在特定语境中灵活得体的运用。  四、各单元练习先做简明扼要的知识概述,而后没计练习。本套书语言地道,用词准确并符合特定情景。练习后附答案和详细的解析,帮助学生自主学习。  本套书的作者都是具有丰富高中英语教学经验的优秀教师。他们有扎实的语言功底,对高中学生学习英语容易产生的问题有透彻的了解,且具备多年高考备考的成功经验。同时,他们又对新课程的理念有深刻的感悟。同这样一批高水平的作者写出的这一套语法训练材料,必然会对高中学生的语法学习乃至英语学习产生巨大的推动作用。  希望同学们在使用本套书的过程中把主要精力放在基本规则的掌握和具体的运用上,并把你们的宝贵意见及时反馈给我们。相信你们一定可以学好语法,学好英语。


  侧重基础语法知识的理解和掌握,涉及范围和难度均与高考《考试说明》一致,不搞偏、难和怪的东西。  与教材同步,按照《英语课程标准》的语法分项要求设置内容。  语言材料由易到难,由浅入深。  根据高中生的心理特征和认知特点,采用灵活多样的题型,使语法学习不再枯燥,体验语法在特定语境中灵活得体的运用。  各单元先做简明扼要的知识概述,而后设计练习。语言地道,用词准确并符合特定情景。


Module 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsModule 2 No DrugsModule 3 MusicModule 4 Fine Arts-Western,Chinese and Pop ArtsModule 5 Newspapers and MagazinesModule 6 Films and TV ProgrammesModule7 RevisionKey


  1. You should speak more __ you can improve your spoken English quickly.  A. such that  B. so as to  C. in order to  D. so that  2. She has worked with children before, __ she knows how to get on with them.  A. so as to  B. such that C. soD. because  3. The bench looks rather old, but in fact it is very comfortable to __  A. sit  B. sit on  C. be sitting  D. sitting on  4. During the ceremony, Tom was too excited __  A. speak    B. to speak  C. not to speak D. speaking  5. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only __ the film stars had left.  A. to tell  B. to be told C. telling  D. told  6. The enemy troops were seized with __ a panic __ they fled in great disorder.  A. such ; as  B. so ; that  C. such ; that  D. so ; as  7. They were in __ when they left that they forgot the airline tickets.  A. a rush so anxious   B. a such anxious rush  C. so an anxious, rushD. such an anxious rash  8. Mary kept quiet about the accident __ lose her job.  A. so not as to B. so as to not  C. so as not to D. not so as to  9. He is thought __ the first telephone in the world.  A. to invent    B. invented  C. to have invented   D. to be invented  10. The flu is believed __ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.  A. causing    B. being caused  C. to be caused D. to have caused  11. Mary was very sick with a fever.she could neither eat nor sleep.  A. As a result B. After all  C. Anyway    D. Otherwise  12. The Wangs are __ to buy a car because it takes them more than an hour to get to work by bus.  A. likely  B. possible  C. probable  D. necessary




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