Margaret M. K. Aly-Youssef,阮佩菊 周淑杰
Lesson 1 初涉职业人生
Lesson 2 努力实现远大目标
Lesson 3 下饵诱嫌疑犯上钩
Lesson 4 漂亮女人
Lesson 5 引火烧身
Lesson 6 想入非非
Lesson 7 青春已逝
Lesson 8 怪人
Lesson 9 千载难逢
Lesson 10 忙得不亦乐乎
Lesson 11 智者的忠告
Lesson 12 自立
Lesson 13 这山望着那山高
Lesson 14 嗤之以鼻
Lesson 15 不辨好坏
Answer Key for Exercise 1
Answer Key for Exercise 2
At first, the teenagers are discouraged because they lack confidence to go job hunting. They often find a friend who has a job and ask for advice. If they are lucky, their friend will help them find an opportunity, to start working where he works. If their work schedule has the same hours, the friend will even help the newly-hired teen to do his job correctly from the start and suggest things to do in order to do a good job and impress the boss. However, because of their immaturity, teens will sometimes act slowly and without enthusiasm and will not be conscientious about doing a good job. They are used to being served in every possible way by a caring mother, and havent developed a sense of responsibility. If they make big mistakes at the start by having a bad at titude, the boss will fire them. Having a job is a wonderful real-life education that teaches a teen or young adult to know how to answer a question or act quickly. He experiences how rude customers can be, now that he is the employee rather than the customer as he used to be, and realize show important it is to be courteous. If he develops a habit of always being aware of what needs to be done and is willing to work, and is careful to avoid doing things that will embarrass or offend co-workers, he will be very successful. Employers value employees who are enthusiastic, courteous and have very practical and sensible ideas.
it's wothy re*****.I ***e it.