袁传有 外语教学与研究出版社 (2010-08出版)
AcknowledgementsList of Figures and TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Rationale of This Study1.2 Working Definitions1.3 Research Objective1.4 Research Questions1.5 Data and Research Methodology1.5.1 Data Collection and Data Classification1.5.2 Research Methods1.6 Significance of This Study1.7 Organization of This BookChapter 2 Previous Studies of Relevant Topics2.1 Introduction2.2 Studies on Domestic Violence2.2.1 Definitions of Domestic Violence and Violence Against Women2.2.2 Relevant Laws and Regulations2.2.3 Research on DV/VAW2.3 Research on Police Interrogations2.3.1 Interrogation Tactics and Techniques2.3.2 Approach of Forensic Psychology2.3.3 Communication Approach to Policing Domestic Violence.2.3.4 Approach of Forensic Linguistics2.3.5 Legislative Power of Interrogating Suspects by the Police in China2.3.6 Approaches to Language Issues of Police Interrogations in China2.3.7 Related Research on Linguistic Strategies in Courtroom Interaction2.4 Linguistic Theories Relevant to Speech Shifting2.4. l A Survey of the Speech Accommodation Theory2.4.2 SAT in Use2.4.3 An Overview of the SFL and Its Appraisal Theory2.4.4 SFL and Appraisal Theory in Use2.4.5 The Birmingham School of Discourse Analysis2.6 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Introduction3.2 Revisiting the Linguistic Theories Along Three Dimensions3.2.1 Engagement System Realizing Social Variables:Power and Solidarity3.2.2 Accommodation Adapting to Cultural and Psychological Dimensions3.2.3 Language Devices Realizing the Linguistic Strategies3.2.3.1 Lexical Choice and Information Density3.2.3.2 Grammatical Variation and Pragmatic Transmutation……
版权页:插图:Methodologically, this research takes an integration of inductiveapproach (bottom-up) and deductive approach (top-down). It is inductivein that we start from the bottom by focusing on the data: identifyingspecific language devices, for instance, legal terms, imperatives, and IRexchange structure, etc., classifying them into various categories.Meanwhile, it is deductive in that the linguistic strategies originate fromthe top, the theories as mentioned above, which are conducive to theconstruction of the present theoretical framework. Contrastive analysis, though not in its original sense of describing thedifferences of two or more languages in applied linguistics, is alsoemployed in this research to describe the structural (grammatical andlexical) differences of the speech in police interrogations and policeinterviewing. This analysis is intended to reveal the degrees of difficultyand comprehensibility of the police talk when they make different lexical,grammatical and discoursal choices.