Design of Machine Elements is particularly written for bilingual machine design course to Chinese students with a balanced consideration of the basic requirements of the course and the students' English proficiency.Hopefully the students can learn not only the skills of machine design but also the usage of English, thus strengthening their ability of solving practical mechanical engineering problems and meeting the challenge of globalization. There are thirteen chapters in this book. The first three chapters discuss the general concerns of machine design, fundamentals of strength design, and introduction of tribology, respectively. The following chapters deal with the design of various specific machine elements, namely, shafting, sliding bearings, rolling-element bearings, posset screws, threaded joints, springs, gears, worm gears, brakes and clutches, and belt drives. This book can be used as a textbook for teachers and students in mechanical engineering specialty or as a reference for the advanced-level students and the practicing engineers as well.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The Meaning of Design 1.2 Design of Mechanical Systems 1.3 Design as a Multi—Disciplinary Endeavor 1.4 Design of Machine Elements and Role of Failure Prevention Analysis 1.5 Fundamental Design Considerations Chapter 2 Fundamentals for Strength Design 2.1 Design for Smile S~ngth 2.1.1 Factor of Safety 2.1.2 Stress Concentrationj. 2.2 Fatigue and Cyclic Stresses 2.2.1 Fatigue 2.2.2 Cyclic Stress 2.3 Design for Cyclic Loading 2.3.1 Design for Fatigue Stress 2.3.2 Design for Finite Life 2.4 Failure Criteria and Modes of Mechanical FailureChapter 3 Introduction to Tribology 3.1 Fricilon 3.2 Wear 3.2.1 Adhesive Wear 3.2.2 Abrasive Wear 3.2.3 Fatigue Wear 3.3 LubricationChapter4 Power Transmission Shafting,Couplings,Key and Splines 4.1 Uses and Characteristics of Shafting 4.2 Potential Failure Modes 4.3 Shaft Materials 4.4 Design for Smile Loads 4.5 Reversed Bending and Steady Torsion 4.6 Shaft Design Procedure 4.7 Couplings, Keys, and Splines 4.7.1 Couplings 4.7.2 Keys and SplinesChapter 5 Sliding Bearings 5.1 Types of Beatings 5.2 Uses and Charaeteristics of Sliding Beatings 5.3 Potential Failure Modes 5.4 Sliding Bearing Materials 5.5 Boundary-Lubricated Beating Design 5.6 Hydrodynamic Bearing Design 5.6.1 Lubricant Properties 5.6.2 Petroff' s Friction Analysis 5.6.3 Hydrodynamic Lubrication Theory--Reynolds Equation 5.6.4 Design Comideratiom in Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings 5.6.5 Beating Performance---An Evaluation Example 5.6.6 Optimization TechniquesChapter 6 Rolling Element Bearings 6.1 Characteristics of Rolling Element Bearings 6.2 Types of Rolling Element Beatings 6.3 Potential Failure Modes 6.4 Beating Materials 6.5 Beating Selection 6.5.1 Basic Load Ratings 6.5.2 Reliability Specifications 6.5.3 Suggested Selection Procedure for Steady Loads 6.6 Mounting and Enclosure 6.6.1 Mounting 6.6.2 Preloading 6.6.3 Alignment 6.6.4 EnclosuresChapter 7 Power Screw Assemblies 7.1 Uses and Characteristics of Power Screws 7.2 Potential Failure Modes 7.3 Materials 7.4 The Mechanics of Power Screws 7.5 Suggested Power Screw Design ProcedureChapter 8 Threaded JointsChapter 9 SpringsChapter 10 GearsChapter 11 Worm GearsChapter 12 Brakes and ClutchesChapter 13 Belt DrivesAppendix References