陈英 编
本书共有12个单元,系统、全面地介绍了电子商务的基础知识,对其中关键的电子商务术语均给出了注释。每个单元包括电子商务专业词汇和专业文章,专业文章来自国外文献,每个单元后面附有单词,文中的一些较难语句附有必要的注释。 本书适合普通本科及高职院校商务英语专业、电子商务专业、外贸专业的学生使用,也可供网络、商贸人员参考。
1 A Overview of E-commerce 1.1 Introduction to Electric Commerce 1.2 The Development of Electronic Commerce 1.3 The Dot-Corn Boom, Bust, and Rebith 1.4 The Second Wave of Electronic Commerce 1.5 Case: Amazon.corn 阅读材料:电子商务英语词的特点2 Internet and WWW 2.1 The Intemet and the World Wide Web 2.2 Packet-switched Networks 2.3 Intemet Protocols 2.4 Markup Languages and the Web 2.5 Intranets and Extranets 2.6 Intemet Connection Options 阅读材料:商务英语电子邮件的写作3 Selling on the Web 3.1 Revenue Models 3.2 Can Google Crack the Mobile Advertising Nut 阅读材料:“创新组合”词汇的翻译4 Marketing on the Web 4.1 Web Marketing Strategies 4.2 Advertising on the Web 4.3 E-mail Marketing 4.4 Online Ad Targeting: From Maximize to Optimize 4.5 If You Don't Have Customers' Trust, You Won't Get 'Iheir Money 4.6 Making Online Shopping More Social 阅读材料:电子商务英语的记忆方法5 E-commerce Web Site Design Models 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Background 5.3 Web Site Design Strategy 5.4 E-commerce Web Site Design Models 5.5 Summary 阅读材料:电子商务专门用途英语的语言特点及汉译技巧6 Web Site Design Approach 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Literature Review 6.3 Methodology 6.4 Conclusions 阅读材料:电子商务英语写作中的语气分析7 Onsale Company 7.10male Introduction 7.2 Company Background……8 Dell Online9 The Environment of Electoric Commerce10 Electronic Commerce Secruity 11 Payment Systems for Electronic Commerce12 Planning for Electronic Commerce参考文献