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《石油工程专业英语》系统、重点地阐述了石油工程英语的基础知识,同时也适当加入了部分高深内容,以及在实际工作中经常涉及的知识与内容。课程安排的目的是学以致用,培养学员实际操作能力。全书共分八章,主要内容包括油藏工程、钻井工程、固井工程、完井工程、采油工程、试井工程以及生产工程等。各章均配有“学习目的与要求”、“关键词”、“本章小结”及最新技术资料文摘.使学员能抓住学习重点及难点,进而不断拓展、更新知识;配有课后习题,题量少而精;为了培养学生实际操作能力。还在每章末尾编纂了诸如动机信、简历、摘要、说明书及标书广告等专业英文书写练习。 《石油工程专业英语》适用于石油工程专业本科三年级学生使用,也可作为从事石油专业的在职人员专业英语进修的培训教材。
Chapter l Reservoir Engineering1.1 Exploitation Designation of Oil Field1.2 Types of Petroleum Traps1.3 Porosity&Permeability of Reservoir Rock1.4 Reservoir Heterogeneity1.5 Evaluation of Reservoirs1.6 111e Material Balance Equation(MBE)1.7 Reservoir SimulafionTechnical English ApplicationsExercisesReading MaterialChapter 2 Drilling Engineering2.1 Drilling Methods2.2 Rotary Rigs2.3 Drilling Fluids2.4 Trouble and Releasing2.5 A Brief Explanation of a Certain Drilling ProgramTechnical English App UcationsExercisesReading MaterialChapter 3 Cementing Engineering3.1 The Principal Objectives of the Primary Cementing Process3.2 The Principal Objectives of the Secondary Cementing Process3.3 The Dimensions and Strengths of Casing3.4 Primary Cementing3.5 Secondary Cementing3.6 A Case of Cementing OperationTechnical English ApplicationsExercisesReading MaterialChapter 4 Completion Engineering4.1 Conventional Completions4.2 Open-hole Completion4.3 Perforated Completion4.4 Cased hole Completions4.5 Wire-wrapped Screen Completions4.6 Tubing-less CompletionTechnical English ApplicationsExercisesReading MaterialChapter 5 Recovery Engineering5.1 Primary Recovery5.2 Secondary Recovery5.3 Tertiary Recovery5.4 Enhanced Oil Recovery(EOR)Technical English ApplicationsExercisesReading MaterialChapter 6 Well Testing6.1 Drawdown Test6.2 Pressure Buildup Test6.3 Horncr Plot6.4 Miller.Dyes.Hutchinson Mctllod6.5 Injectivity Well Testing6.6 Pressure Falloff TestTechnical English ApplicationsExercisesReading MaterialChapter 7 Oil Production Engineering7.1 Downhole Components7.2 Surface Flow Control Equipment7.3 Pumping System7.4 Surface Production FacilitiesTechnical English ApplicationsExercisesReading MaterialChapter 8 Instrumentation & Computerization8.1 Instruments on Drilling8.2 Mud Instruments8.3 Computerizing Scheme for Drilling Data ManagementExercises附录附录Ⅰ 中英文互译技巧附录Ⅱ 专业英语常用时态及非谓语表达法参考文献
The unit provides a range of performance capabilities for offshore cementing, including faster mixing rates for high-volume to phole cementing, faster displacement rates for a variety of operations, and greater redundancy and backup capacity. The Seabawk dual-skid cementing unit features automated twin-mixing capabilities and 2 300 bhp, ensuring density control and zonal isolation across long, complex intervals. Slurry consistency is maintained with two independent automatic cement control systems, Coriolis mass metering technology, and hydraulically driven recirculating blending systems. The power unit and pump combination also enables the unit to be configured as a temporary replacement for mud pumps for selected displacement operations, the company says. The custom design also incorporates automated liquid additive components, variable-speed electric drives, and a high-speed fiber-optics package, enabling personnel to transmit information anywhere in the world. The self-contained model isolates the crew from high-powered components and manifolds to minimize noise, vibration, dust, and fume exposure, the company says. BJ Services Soups up Units for Deepwater Cementing HOUSTON——In order to meet operators' demands for reduced mixing and pumping times during deepwater cementing, BJ Services continues to develop higher horsepower cementing units with a wider array of configuration options. In recent months a 1 600-brake horsepower (BHP) version and a powerful 2 300-BHP model were developed to handle displacement tasks at higher rates and pressures. High-speed fiber optics let the equipment communicate via remote. ......