

德哈纳拉 编 Dhanaraj,G. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社 (2012-01出版)



Dhanaraj,G. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社 (2012-01出版)  


德哈纳拉 编  




作者:(美国)德哈纳拉(Govindhan Dhanaraj)


缩略语 Part H晶体生长专题 47蛋白质晶体生长的方法 47.1生物高分子溶液的性质 47.2传输现象和形成晶体 47.3晶体生长的典型方法 47.4扩散一控制方法形成蛋白质晶体 47.5晶体生长的新趋势(晶体品质增强) 47.6原子力显微镜的2—维表征(案例研究) 47.7 X射线衍射的3—维表征和相关方法 参考文献 48用凝胶法形成晶体 48.1晶体淀积病中的凝胶生长 48.2实验方法 48.3凝胶系统中的晶格的形成 48.4利用凝胶技术的晶体生长 48.5晶体淀积病的应用 48.6晶体淀积相关的疾病 48.7草酸钙 48.8磷酸钙 48.9羟基磷灰石(HAP) 48.10二水磷酸氢钙(DCPD) 48.11硫酸钙 48.12尿酸和单钠酸尿 48.13 L—胱氨酸 48.14L—酪氨酸、马尿酸和环丙氟哌酸 48.15动脉硬化和胆结石 48.16激素的结晶:黄体酮和睾酮 48.17胰腺炎 48.18结论 参考文献 49钛硅酸盐中晶体生长和离子交换 49.1 X射线方法 49.2时间一分辨实验的设备 49.3检测 49.4软件 49.5原位细胞的种类 49.6利用Sitinakite技术对钛硅酸盐(Na—TS)的原位研究 49.7原位研究的讨论 49.8总结 参考文献 50单晶闪烁材料 50.1背景 50.2闪烁材料 50.3前景展望 50.4结论 参考文献 51硅太阳能电池:材料、器件和制造 5 1.1硅光生伏特 5 1.2硅光生伏特的晶体生长技术 5 1.3电池制作技术 5 1.4总结和讨论 参考文献 52利用线锯制造和切割晶片 52.1从晶体锭到基本的晶片 52.2切割:晶片制造中的第一个后生长工艺 52.3晶片切割中的现代线据 52.4总结与展望 参考文献 主题索引


版权页: 插图: Many years of experimentation with diverse crystals has confirmed the notion that,by minimizing convective mass transport,better quality crystals can be obtained,with improved mechanical and optical properties,re-duced density of defects,and larger size. How is it possible to suppress the natural convection in crystallogenesis?Nowadays,different approaches have arisen for removing or at least reducing it.One of them is crystallization of macromolecules in space,where in the absence of gravity,convection disap-pears.In the last decade,a new approach that involves the use of magnetic fields has appeared.Magnetic forces opposed to gravity can reduce natural convec-tion inside solutions [47.31,32].Also,methods for crystallizing macromolecules in gels are good and well-accepted alternatives for eliminating natural con-vection [47.33]. It is natural to think that,at zero or reduced gravity,crystals with superior properties can be grown [47.18].Is this possible?Observations and experimental data support the hypothesis that convective flows can be related to the introduction of statistical disorder,defects,and dislocations on growing crystal sur-faces [47.34-36].Convective transport tends to be variable and random,producing variations in the super-saturation levels in the environment of the developing faces,exposing them permanently to high levels of nu-trients,similar to those of bulk crystallization.On the contrary,under microgravity,convection is suppressed and the concentration of nutrients at the interface of the crystal is reduced.Mass transport is purely diffusive,which for proteins is very slow,and a region of de-pletion of nutrients is established around the nucleus.Thanks to the absence of gravity,this zone is qua-sistable.We can imagine one crystal in the center and the gradient of nutrients on the right-hand side and on the left-hand side aggregates and large impurities.






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