

王延雪 西安交通大学出版社











Part One: Business Writing Principles
Part Two: Letters
1. The Structure and Layout of a Letter
(1) The Structure of a Letter
(2) The Layout of a Letter
2. Appllcations
(1) Applications for Jobs
(2) Applications for Business Trips
(3) Applications for Joining the Club
(4) Applications for Training
(5) Applications for Telephones
(6) Applications for Overdraft
(7) Applications for Visiting an Exhibition
(8) Application for Resignation
(9) Useful Expressions
3. Invitations
(1) Invitations to Iuncheon/Dinner
(2) Invitatioos to Party
(3) Invitations to Travel Together
(4) Invitations to Show
(5) Useful Expressions
4. Congratulations
(1) Congratulations on Marriage or Engagement
(2) Congratulations on the Arrival of a Child
(3) Congratulatioos on Birthday
(4) Congratulations on Graduation or Enrollment in University
(5) Congratulations on the Change of Residence
(6) Special Festival Greetings
(7) Congratulations on Anniversary
(8) Congratulations on Pnamotion
(9) Congratulations on Success or Reward
(10) Congratulations on a New Venture
(11) Useful Expressions
5. Sympathy and Condolence
(1) Sympathy on Illness
(2) Sympathy on Injury
(3) Sympathy on Disaster or Material Loss
(4) Sympathy on Frustration
(5) Condolence on Death of a Supervisor and a Close Friend
(6) Condolence on Death of a Colleague
(7) Gondolence on Death of a Business Partner
(8) Condolence on Death of Relatives
(9) Useful Expressions
6. Thanks
(1) Thanks for Gifts
(2) Thanks for Hospitality
(3) Thanks for- Favour or Help
(4) Thanks for Support or Service from Custcmers and Suppliers
(5) Thanks for Suggestions from Employees or
(6) Thanks for Reference and Recommendation
(7) Thanks for Payment and Order
(8) Useful Expressions
7. Introduction
(1) To be Presented in Person
(2) To be Sent by Mail
(3) Useful Expressions
8. Booklng Tickets or a Hotel Room
(2) Reservation of Hotel Rocrns
(3) Useful Expressions
9. Inquiry and Request
(1) Asking for Infonnation
(2) Asking for Appointments/Meetings
(3) Asking for Price/Price Reduction
(4) Asking for Catalogues and Samples
(5) Asking for Payment
(6) Asking for Insurance
(7) Useful Expressions
10. Quotation and Order
(1) Quotation
(3) Useful Expressions
11. Establishing Business Relations
(1) Proposing to Have Business Connections
(2) Requesting Introduction to Obtain Business Connections
(3) Looking for the Agent
(4) Useful Expressions
12. Sales
(1) Ordinary Sales
(2) Informing of the Introduction of New Products into the Market
(3) Selling New Products with Samples
(4) Selling to an Old Customer
(5) Selling Products at the Opportunity of Enlargement of the Plant
(6) Introducing the New Car
(7) Introducing the Company & Supplying Various Products
(8) Selling to an Inactive Customer
(9) Selling an Educational Course
(10) Useful Expressions
13. Complaints, Claims and Settlements
(1) Complaints & Claims
(2) Settlements
(3) Useful Expressions
Part Three: Notes, Messages & Notices
1. Notes and Messages
(1) Notes Asking for Leave
(2) Messages
2. Notices
(1) Lost and Found
(2) Merger of Two) Companies
(3) Opening of a New Branch Office
(4) Change of the Company's Name
(5) Removal Notice
(6) Opening an Exhibition/a Meeting
(7) Invitation for Bids
(8) Employing New Staff
Part Four Cards, Memos, Minutes & Schedules
l Cards
(1) Postcards & Cards of Congratulations
(2) Name Cards
(3) Invitation Cards
2 Memos
3 Minutes of Meetings
4 Schedules
Part Five-.BiUs, Forms & Documents
1. Bills and Forms
(1) Expense Forms
(2) Application Fonns
(3) Froms of Charge
(4) Call Reports
2. Commercial Documents
(1) Order Sheets
(2) Acknowledgement of Order
(3) Shipping Documents
(4) Policy
(5) Letter of Credit
(6) Contracts
Part Six: Advertisements, Instructions & Job Reswnes
1. Advertisements
(1) On Reconnnending Business Lines & Services
(2) On Recommending Producta
2. Instructions
3. Job Resumes
(1) The Common Form of a Resume
(2) Detailed Resumes
Part Seven: Proposals, Plans, Reports &. Speeches
l. Proposals
(1) A Proposal Based on Experiences at the Exhibition
(2) A Proposal of Adequate Facilities for Washing
(3) A Proposal of How to Get New Customers
2. Plans
3. Reports
(1) A Yearly Report by a Department Manager
(2) A Report on an Investigation
(3) An Annual Review on Chinese Market
4. Speeches
(1) Speeches at Meetings
(2) Speeches
PartEight: Telex & Fax
1. Telex
2. Fax





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