本书是供管理学院的学生在学完“基础英语”之后而使用的管理英语教材。全书所有材料皆取自于近几年国外的英文书刊,内容丰富、题材广泛、语言流畅、文字活泼,既涵盖管理学科各方面的内容,又不乏有趣生动的案例,具有较强的可读性。 本书共20个单元,其后还附5篇管理学名著选文。各单元由课文、课文练习、精读、泛读组成。各单元内容相关性强,详尽的双语词汇注解和课文难点注释为学习者提供了方便;精心设计的课文练习和阅读理解有利于巩固、提高学生阅读、写作管理英语的能力。 本书适宜于作为大专院校、成人教育、自学考试管理专业的教学用书,也宜作学习管理英语的自学用书。
Unit 1 Text: Should Water Be Worth More than Diamonds? Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Demand and Supply Extensive Reading: Adam Smith and the Birth of Economic ScienceUnit 2 Text: Behavioral Considerations in Market Analysis Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Planning a Marketing Research Project Extensive Reading: Producing for the ConsumerUnit 3 Text: Motivational Research Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Gillette Goes High Tech Extensive Reading: Win over the CustomerUnit 4 Text: The Statistical Testing of Economic Theories: an Example Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Analysis of the Data Extensive Reading: Extending the AnalvsisUnit 5 Text: Benefit-Cost Analysis Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Limitations and Problems Extensive Reading: Technological versus Economic Efficiency: an ExampleUnit 6 Text: Importance of Product Innovation Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Development of New Products Extensive Reading: What Is a "New" Product?Unit 7 Text: Management of Physical Distribution Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Selection of Channels of Distribution for a New Product Extensive Reading: Optimization and Cost Trade-OffsUnit 8 Text: Applying Management Science Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Limitations of Management Science Models Extensive Reading: IBM' s Approa h to PlanningUnit 9 Text: Psychological Influence on Buyer Behavior Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Decision Making Process in Buying Extensive Reading: Classification of Consumer Goods .Unit 10 Text: Risks and Its Management Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Risk Measurement Extensive Reading: Control of RiskUnit 11 Text: Advertising Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Developing the Media Plan Extensive Reading: The Advertising MediaUnit 12 Text: Motivating Workers in Workplace 2000 Exercises to the Text Intensive Reading: Japanese Approach to Business Extensive Reading: Ouchi——Theory ZUnit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16Unit 17Unit 18Unit 19Unit 20Selected Reading from Management ClassicsVocabulary