《新东方·新理念美语语音强化教程》旨在教授纯正的美式英语发音、流畅的语调以及敏锐的口语语感。全书根据语音学习规律科学编排、合理构篇,系统而精炼地介绍了美语发音的方法、规则、特点,着重阐述了美语发音问题并针对具体语音问题提出了解决方法。书中内容注重系统知识的传授,更注重学生实际运用语言能力的强化训练,既可用作课堂教材,也可用于自学,是初、中级英语学习者的理想学习教程。 1.《新东方·新理念美语语音强化教程》全面介绍了发音的各个方面,结构编排上分为四部分:语音概念:交流的内容;节奏与乐音:交流的意图;语法音:规则动词和名词的词尾;辅音和元音。2.综合每章中音段和超音段话题,并且提供初始诊断和累积评价。3.提供丰富的情景听说机会,以进行发音练习。4.通过反馈日记、语言策略、核对单和语音日志,使学生监控自身进步,说出自然、准确的美语。5.随书配有标准美语MP3录音光盘,配合学习,可在短期内迅速提高美语发音水平。
An Introduction to the Teacher 教师指南Unit 1 Syllables 音节Chapter 1: A Preview of Pronunciation 发音概述Getting Ready for Chapter 2: What you need to know about pronunciation 关于发音你需要知道的Chapter 2: Diagnostics and Logbook 诊断与日志Getting Ready for Chapter 3: What you need to know about syllables关于音节你需要知道的Chapter 3: Syllable Structure and Linked Sounds音节结构和连读Reflecting on Chapter 1-3: Pronunciation Questions and Priorities 第一至三章的回顾:发音问题和优先级Chapter 4:Stess Patterns and Deleted Sounds 重音和吞音Assessment Section 1: Chapters 1-4 评价单元一:第一至四章Unit 2: Stress 重音Getting Ready for Chapter 5: What you need to know about stress in longer words 关于长单词的重音你需要知道的Chapter 5: Stress in Sentences and Reduced Sounds 句子重音和省略音Reflecting on Chapters 1-5:Pronunciation Change and the Learning Process第一至三章的回顾:发音变化和学习过程Chapter 6: Contrastive Stress and Altered Sounds 对比重音和变音Getting Ready for Chapter 7: What you need to know about Stress and Sentence Rhythm 关于重音和句子节奏你需要知道的Chapter 7: Informational Stress and Altered Sounds 信息重音和变音Assessment Section 2: Chapters 5-7 评价单元二:第五至七章Unit 3: Intonation 语调Getting Ready for Chapter 8: What you need to know about reduction: Or and Are 关于省略or和 are你需要知道的Chapter 8: Functional Intonation and Reduced Sounds 功能语调和省略音Reflecting on Chapters 1-8: 第一至八章的回顾Chapter 9: Functional Intonation and Altered Sounds 功能语调和变音Getting Ready for Chapter 10: What you need to know about intonation & timing 关于语调和节奏你需要知道的Chapter 10: Timing and Linked Sounds 节奏和连音Assessment Section 3: Chapters 8-10 评价单元三:第八至十章Appendix 1: International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA) Chart and Mouth Diagrams 国际音标表和口型图Appendix 2: Reproducible Speaking Diagnostic 可复制的发音诊断材料Appendix 3: Grammar Cross-Reference 语法参照Appendix 4: Audio Transcript 听力原文及答案Appendix 5: Individual and Language-Specific Trouble Spots 个别语音问题Appendix 6: Pronunciation Log 语音日志Glossary 术语表Index 索引Teachers Manual 教师用书