陈德 主编
本书根据我国英语教学的实际状况和学生的学习特点,以全新的视角,全面、系统、深入浅出地介绍了英国、澳大利亚国家的人文、地理、历史、政治、经济、教育等主要方面,并就其各国的特点有所偏重。书中的每个章节都以英语正文、经典评述、记忆测试和中文要义等部分组成,从而真正意义上实现了教学互动、自主学习和为我所用的教学新理念,是一本集开阔英语国家视野和提高英语水平的多功能教材。 本书可供在校的大中专院校学生、研究生和在职工作人员学习使用。
Part One Britain Chapter 1 Geography Focus内容聚焦 Introduction The Highland Zone The Lowland Zone Rivers and Lakes Forests and Woodlands MineraI Resources New Words词汇快速浏览 Explanations经典注释 Brief Comments简评 Test Your Memory记忆测试 Chinese Version for Further Understanding Answer Key参考答案 Chapter 2 History Focus内容聚焦 Origin of the Nation Feudal England The Tudor Monarchy and the Renaissance The Bourgeois Revolution The Rise and FaII of the British Empire New Words词汇快速浏览 Explanations经典注释 Brief Comments简评 Test Your Memory记忆测试 Chapter 3 Culture Focus内容聚焦 Introduction Culture traditions Architecture Films Museums,Galleries and libraries New Words词汇快速浏览 Explanations经典注释 Brief Comments简评 Test Your Memory记忆测试 Chapter 4 Government Focus内容聚焦 Introduction The Prime minister The cabinet The privy council Parliament The House of lords The House of Commonse Political parties New Words词汇快速浏览 Explanations经典注释 Brief Comments简评 Test Your Memory记忆测试 Chapter 5 Economy Chapter 6 Education Chapter 7 Cities Chapter 8 Society and Population Chapter 9 Literature Chapter 10 TransportationPart Two Australia Chapter 1 Overview Chapter 2 Economy Chapter 3 Education Chapter 4 Culture Chapter 5 Major Cities
The Tudors reigned from 1485 until 1603. The five sovereigns of the Tudordynasty are among the most well-known figures in Royal history. Of Welshorigin, Henry VII succeeded in ending the Wars of the Roses between the housesof Lancaster and York to found the highly successful Tudor house. HenryVll, hisson Henry VIII and his three children Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I ruled for118 eventful years. During this period, England developed into one of the leading Europeancolonial powers, with men such as Sir Walter Raleigh taking part in theconquest of the New World. Nearer to home, campaigns in Ireland brought thecountry under strict English control. Culturally and socially, the Tudor period saw many changes. The Tudorcourt played a prominent part in the cultural Renaissance taking place inEurope, nurturing all-round individuals such as William Shakespeare, EdmundSpenser and Cardinal Wolsey. The Tudor period also saw the turbulence of two changes of officialreligion, resulting in the martyrdom of many innocent believers of bothProtestantism and Roman Catholicism. The fear of Roman Catholicism inducedby the Reformation was to last for several centuries and to play an influentialrole in the history of the Succession.Henry VII (1485~1509) Henry VII was the founder of the Tudor dynasty, unifying the warringfactions in the Wars of the Roses. Although supported by Lancastrians andYorkists alienated by Richard IIls usurpation, Henry Vlls first task was tosecure his position. In 1486 he married Elizabeth of York, eldest daughter ofEdward IV, thus uniting the Houses of York and Lancaster.