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《科技英语教程》是大学英语基础阶段教学的后续课程,是大学英语教学的一个重要组成部分,体现了教育部有关“大学英语教学四年不断线”的基本精神。本教程是大学英语基础教学向真正的专业英语教学过渡的教材,其目的在于巩固并熟练应用在基础阶段所学的英语语言知识和阅读技能,拓宽语言知识面,扩大词汇量,同时认知和掌握科技英语的语言特点以及科技英语翻译中一些常见的技巧,使语言技能和科学知识共同提高,为今后阅读专业文献、获取科技信息打下良好的基础。 本教程的课文全部选自国内外的专业期刊、原版科技书籍和网站,材料涉及电子、通讯、网络、计算机、自动化、信息、和航天等领域,选材广泛,信息量大,内容新颖,具有强烈时代气息,体现了现代科技发展的成果和科技英语的特点.融知识性和实用性于一体。 本书由多年从事大学英语教学和科技英语教学一线的教师精心设计和编写。全书分为十个单元,每一单元由四部分组成。第一部分是导入.引出本单元的主题。并简要介绍两篇课文的主要内容;第二部分是Text A(精读课文):包括课文正文、专业名词和术语、生词和短语、专业知识或语言点注解和练习;第三部分是Text B(泛读课文):包括课文正文、生词和短语及练习;第四部分是科技英语翻译技巧:1~5单元是英译汉,6~10单元是汉译英,通过实例分析。介绍了科技英语翻译中的基本方法。 全书选材语言规范,篇幅适中.语言难度略高于大学英语四级阅读。
本书分为十个单元,每一单元由四部分组成。第一部分是导入,引出本单元的主题,并简要介绍两篇课文的主要内容;第二部分是Text A(精读课文):包括课文正文、专业名词和术语、生词和短语、专业知识或语言点注解和练习:第三部分是Text B(泛读课文):包括课文正文、生词和短语及练习:第四部分是科技英语翻译技巧:1~5单元是英译汉,6~10单元是汉译英,通过实例分析,介绍了科技英语翻译中的基本方法。 全书选材语言规范,篇幅适中,语言难度略高于大学英语四级阅读。每个单元A篇文章为精读材料,难度稍大。B篇文章为泛读材料,相对容易。从第一单元到第十单元,文章的难度逐步加深,由浅入深,循序渐进,有利教学,也便于读者学习和理解。每一单元主题突出,栏目设置新颖。书的附录部分附有练习参考答案和课文的参考译文,有助于读者进行自学。 本书简明实用,既可供文科和理工科院校高年级本科生科技英语教学的使用,也可供科技工作者、理工类专业人员或具有中级英语水平以上的英语爱好者学习使用。
Unit 1 Artificial Intelligence Text A An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Text B An Introduction to Natural Language Processing 英汉翻译技巧:(一)名词化结构翻译Unit 2; Modern Telecmmunication Text A Global System for Mobile Communication Text B How Disposable Cell Phones Will Work 英汉翻译技巧:(二)被动句翻译Unit 3 Internet and its Applications Text A Snoops Text B Email Related Crimes 英汉翻译技巧:(三)后置修饰语Unit 4 Computer Science Text A One Core Is Good. Two Cores Are Even Better! Text B Does dual-core CPU Double the Power? 英汉翻译技巧:(四)长难句翻译Unit 5 Information Technology Text A Wireless USB Brings Greater Convenience and Mobility to Devices Text B Most Important InfoTech Stories of 05 英汉翻译技巧:(五)名词性从句的翻译Unit 6 Automatic Control Text A An Introduction to Automatic Control Systems Text B History of Automatic Control 汉译英技巧:(一)词序的调整Unit 7 Space Technology Text A Spacecraft Navigation Text B The Shenzhou Spaceship and Its Launch Vehicle 汉译英翻译技巧:(二)被动语态的翻译Unit 8 Electronic Technologies Text A Digital Logic Systems Text B Introduction to Electronics 汉译英翻译技巧:(三)否定的转译Unit 9 Radar Technology Text A Radar Technical Overview Text B Using Radar to Forecast the Weather 汉译英翻译技巧:(四)区分主从Unit 10 Environment and Health Text A Mold Infestation Is a Serious Health Threat to Residents and Workers Text B Groundwater: the Invisible Resource 汉译英翻译技巧:(五)长难句的翻译附录一 部分练习参考答案附录二 课文参考译文
There were some scientists that questioned the capability ofdigital computers. Citing that the architecture of digital computerswould be a terrible approach to emulating human intelligence, theystrove to create artificial neurons. This was based on thearchitecture of our own biological brains. The idea of course, failedfor the mean time, since very little was known about the subject.The digital computer proved to be the only sufficient medium tccarry out artificial intelligence (AI). There then came another question. People doubted whether ornot symbolic AI programs, which encompassed just about everyprogram in the 1950s, could exhibit true telligence. Someexamples of Symbolic AI programs are chess-playing programs,expert systems such as theorem provers, ELIZA, STUDENT etc.Just like any task-entered programs AI program is a symbolic AIprogram. These programs operate by manipulating symbols. Thecritics claimed that the architecture of these programs were notsufficient enough for intelligence. In essence, they have no"common sense" and can rarely perform tasks other than the tasksthat were assigned to them. One of the early natural languageprograms could translate Russian to English, and vice versa. Whenit converted the English phrase "The Spirit is willing but the flesh isweak" to Russian, then back to English, it came up with "Thevodka is good but the meat is rotten". Of course, the machinetranslation technology that we have today has certainly improved,but many "common sense" mistakes like this are common. You mayactually want to try this with the SYSTRAN translator. Thesecritics of Symbolic AI systems were the onnectionists. They in turncreated the neural network architecture. Neural networks are ableto draw links between meanings and thus exhibit some form of"common sense" in some situations.