郭继荣 编
随着经济全球化和信息技术的发展,国际经济与贸易活动的环境、内容和方式都发生了重大变化。国际经济与贸易,活动的内容不仅包括商品的跨国流动,还包括服务、技术以及知识的跨国流动,这些跨、国流动比过去任何时候都规模更大、程度更高,同时也伴随着大量的劳动和资本的国际流动。对于国际经济与贸易方式,电子商、务、电子结算等新的技术手段的出现和发展大大地减少了国际贸易的交易成本,提高了国际经济与贸易活动的效率,也使许多非贸易产品和服务变得可贸易。国际贸易产品提供者不仅要考虑东道国经济、政治和法律的影响,也必须考虑社会的、环境的、甚至伦理因素的影响。今天的跨国企业比过去任何时候都需要承担更多的社会责任,也比过去任何时候都将受到国际组织和贸易伙伴国相关规则的约束。 随着我国经济发展和对外开放规模的不断扩大,国际经济与贸易人才成为我国经济建设和社会发展需求量较大的人才,其人才培养模式多样化已成为必然的趋势。为了及时反映经济全球化和我国经济发展、对外开放的变化,促进国际经济与贸易领域人才的培养,发挥院校之间相互合作的优势,使国际经济与贸易专业的学生能尽快适应快速变化的国际经贸环境,西安交通大学出版社邀请了部分国内学有所长的专家教授编撰了这套普通高等教育“十一五”国际经济与贸易专业规划教材。为使这套教材的编撰有序地进行,还专门成立了教材编写委员会,由总主编、分主编和有关委员组成。各分册主编分别由具有一定实力的本学科学术带头人担任,组织编写人员时注意老中青结合、教学人员与科研人员结合。同时还建立了规范的编、审制度,每一分册的编写组拟出大纲,其框架和内容经过编委会详细讨论,最后由总主编和分主编审订。
全书共十三章,涉及建立贸易关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、索赔、保险、装运等外贸业务的各个环节。书中还增加了近来来在外贸业务中使用频率直莱越高的电子商务。编写体例简洁明了、深入浅出。每个章节都有对专用词汇的释义和内容丰富的例句。练习题设计能够紧扣贸业务的各个环节,帮助读者理解课文内容,巩固所学知识。 本书可供高等院校经济贸易专业的本科高年级学生及MBA、硕士研究生使用,也可供非经贸类专业学生、对外贸易业务人员、各类涉及企业人员、教师及相关人员自学之用。
Unit 1 Fundamentals of Writing English Business LettersUnit 2 Establishing Business RelationsUnit 3 Enquiries and RepliesUnit 4 Quotations and OffersUnit 5 Orders, Acceptances and RejectionsUnit 6 Sales Confirmation and Purchase ContractUnit 7 Terms of PaymentUnit 8 Transport and InsuranceUnit 9 Complaint, Claim and SettlementUnit 10 Electronic Commerce and E-mailUnit 11 AgencyUnit 12 Letter of Intent, Agreements and ContractsUnit 13 Invitation for Bids, Bidding, Notice of Award and Advertisements
① Clearness You should make sure that the message conveys what you wish to say and isnot liable to any misunderstanding. Avoid vague and ambiguous expressions. In order to achieve clearness, you‘d better use well-constructed sentences andparagraphs as well as straightforward and simple English. ②Concisenss Clearness and conciseness often go hand in hand in business correspondence.Conciseness needs to include any information,that is to the point, but to leave outthose statements that don’t bear on the subject. In other words, the true sense ofconciseness lies in that you say everything that must be said but do not wasteyour reader‘s time in words or phrases that can be spared. Say things briefly butcompletely without sacrificing clearness or courtesy. To achieve conciseness ofyour letter writing, try to keep your Statements short, avoid unnecessarywordiness or repetition, and eliminate excessive details. Paragraphing carefully can make a business letter clearer, easier to read and moreattractive. It is a good rule to confine each paragraph to only one point or topic. ③ Courtesy Courtesy in letter writing refers to employing good human relation skills. Itc0nsists, not in using polite phrases, such as “your esteemed order”, “your kindenquiry”, but in demonstrating your consideration for your correspondent. Treatthe reader with respect and friendliness and sincerity, and be tactful, thoughtfuland appreciative. Try to avoid irritating, offensive or belittling statements. You’d betteranswer letters promptly, for punctuality will please your recipient who hateswaiting for days before he obtains a reply to his letter. Sometimes, discrepancymay occur in business, but with diplomacy and tact it can be overcome and settledwithout ill will on either side. Never show your anger in a business letter. And you must also adopt the right tone. Before you begin to write, thinkcarefully about the way in which you want to influence your customer. Askyourself, “What do I write this letter for?” and then express yoursel:faccordingly, being persuasive, apologetic, firm and so on. The right tone mayarouse good will, warmth and interest in your reader.