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励志人生成功之路The Road to Business Success游向雅典2004 Athens 2004爱的涟漪Chain ofLove何大一:希望永在I Have Hope We Will Win That Battle每一天都要努力Put the Effort in Every Day成功女性:自信与努力Confidence and Effort杰夫·贝左斯:善良与智慧JefrBezos:Harder to Be Kind Than Clever一生的幸运A Lucky Thin9泊心码头爱的温馨火焰Cozy Fire ofAffection那些“逍遥自在”的鸡Loose Chickens放飞梦想Flyin9蟋蟀The Cricket自由的代价Life,Free to Soar上帝的恩典The Highest Grace窗外的风景The Window似非而是的戒律The Paradoxical Commandments生活中的五个球Five Balls in Life友谊之虹The Color ofFriendship倾诉之声我的故事My Story天使在人间He Made Me an Angel马戏团The Circus母亲Mother我生命中的另一个女人The OtherWoman in My Life父亲的课程My Father’S Lessons星语心愿Wish Upon a Star那一瞬,我代表了奥运梦Briefly,the Bearer ofOlympic Hopes and DreamS心灵的曙光In aNew Light
You can never overestimate the power of you love.it is a fire that,once lit,may burn forever. 选自《爱的涟漪》 No matter how rough the seas may get ,never give up if all the doors are closed open one .if opportunity runs out make more. 选自《我的故事》 Love is too pure a light to burn long among the noisome gases that we breathe,but before it is choked out we may use it as a torch to ignite the cozy fire of affection. 选自《爱的温馨火焰》