黄平安 编
随着信息时代和全球化的来临,人们愈发需要快速了解不同国家、不同地区最近所发生的重要事件,而大量的通过不同方式(包括报刊、杂志、电视、广播和网络等)传播的英语新闻也愈发成为获取有关这些事件最新报道的重要渠道。《聚焦新闻英语》正是为了培养广大学生这方面的能力而编写的。 本书为非英语专业本科生大学英语选修课教材,目的在于使学生能够通过本书的学习了解新闻英语的语言和篇章特点,掌握新闻英语的阅读技巧,了解和熟悉英语国家主要的新闻媒体,同时通过听、说、读、写等的练习提高英语综合应用能力。本书也可作为英语专业学生和英语自学者学习新闻英语的参考教材。 本教材共分16章,主要是根据新闻所涵盖的重要主题进行编排,如气候变化与环境保护、宗教与信仰、社会与日常生活、法律与犯罪、婚姻与家庭、科学与技术、国际关系与冲突、自然灾难、艺术与娱乐等等,同时在每章的后面都有新闻英语小贴士,介绍新闻英语的特点、英语国家和中国国内主要的英语新闻媒体。书中所选取的新闻报道基本为主要的英文报刊和通讯社网站近期的文章,具有较强的时代性和可读性。
Unit 1 Climate Change and Environmental ProtectionUnit 2 Beliefs and ReligionsUnit 3 Life and SocietyUnit 4 Crime and LawUnit 5 Marriage and Family, LifeUnit 6 Science and TechnologyUnit 7 International Relations and ConflictsUnit 8 Natural DisastersUnit 9 Arts and EntertainmentUnit 10 Sports and RecreationUnit 11 Health and MedicineUnit 12 Economics and FinanceUnit 13 Politics and GovernmentsUnit 14 Culture and EducationUnit 15 Editorials and OpinionsUnit 16 China and the WorldKey to the Exercises
Kevorkian was on trial on Oakland County Circuit Court in Pantiac,Michigan, for his role in the 1993 deaths of Merian Frederic, 72, of AnnArbor, Michigan, and All Khalili, 61, a physician from suburban Chicago.Frederic suffered from Lou Gehrigs disease and Khalili was afflictedwith bone cancer when Kevorkian helped them breath carbon monoxidethrough a mask in his apartment in the Detroit suburb of Royal Oak,Michigan. If convicted on both counts, Kevorkian would have faced amaximum prison term of eight years.As in his first trial in 1994, the key issue in this case was whetherKovorkian intended that Frederic and Khalili die when he helpedadminister the deathly carbon monoxide.A section of the Michigan law, which was enacted to stop Kevorkianbut expired in 1994, said the measure did not apply if the intention of theperson assisting in the suicide was "to relieve pain or discomfort and notto cause death, even if the medication of procedure may hasten or increasethe risk of death."