在举国庆贺改革开放三十年之际,赵万哲同志主编的《实用商务英语教程》即将付梓,这是一件非常值得称道的事。长期以来,不论是哪一类学校,商务英语专业使用的教材大都是统一范式,但是这部教材却以实用、简明、易学为特点而让人耳目一新。 《实用商务英语教程》是一本适合应用型本科院校英语专业商务方向学生使用的教科书。参加本教材编写的人员有专业造诣精深的专家教授,有实践经验丰富、富有创新精神的教学骨干,也有才华横溢的硕士、博士,这是他们多年的教学实践和教学研究的结晶。这本教材以《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》为依据,将社会需求与培养应用型外语人才紧密结合,注重英语专业的学科系统性和科学性,注重将语言技能训练与商务英语知识融为一体,注重英语教学的方法和规律。“删繁就简三秋树,领异标新二月花”,这句话正是对这本教材的形象概括,既简明易学,又特色鲜明。 该教材针对应用型本科院校商务英语专业学生的学习特点和需要编写,博采众长,选材新颖,练习形式灵活多样,语言知识与能力训练并重,具有创新性、实用性和趣味性,反映了当前英语专业教学改革的新理念和新成果。 在美丽的白河之滨,在炎炎的夏日里,教材的编者们还在为教材的编撰付出辛勤的汗水。这部教材是他们为英语教学改革做出的贡献,也是他们献给学子们的一份弥足珍贵的礼物,希望大学生朋友们能够喜爱它。打开它,不敢说一定能采撷果实盈筐,鲜花满怀,但必定不会空手而归。 当然,金无足赤,本教材也许有很多不足之处,希望广大读者不要用“尽善尽美”的眼光来审视它,同时也希望大方之家及读者给予悉心指导、批评指正,能使这本颇具特色的教材更加完善。是为序。
随着高等教育的蓬勃发展和世界经济全球化趋势的日益推进,我国对具有国际竞争力的商务英语人才的需求愈来愈大,愈来愈迫切。《商务英语简明教程》以培养应用型商务英语人才为立足点,旨在提高学生综合职业能力和创新能力,在认真总结本课程教学实践的基础上,由具有丰富商务英语教学经验的一线教师编写而成。 本书精选中外经济与商务类著名期刊文章,设计题材广泛,涵盖了当今国际经贸最重要的领域。全书共10个单元,较为系统地介绍了中国经济发展的主要问题与现象、主要国家的经济和贸易问题、公司管理、投资管理、商务文化和国际间协作等,兼具理论性和实用性,是普通高校英语专业商务英语方向理想的教材。本书主要特点: 1.选材涵盖经济和贸易领域中主要分支部分以及相关法律和商务文化内容,注重介绍专业基础理论知识,语言通俗易懂; 2.篇幅长短适中,难度适中,内容简洁实用,富于新意,具有较强的时代感; 3.背景知识、课文内容和课后练习融会贯通,理论联系实际,引导学生进入一个直观的仿真商务环境; 4.精心编排注释并配备具有针对性的练习,使学生掌握国际商务文章的语言风格和特点,常用词汇、短语和句型,以期更系统更有效地培养学生在商务环境下运用语言的能力。
Unit 1 China Builds Its NASDAQUnit 2 Globalization of Chinese BrandsUnit 3 How Jack Welch Runs GEUnit 4 Long Live the RevolutionUnit 5 The Economy on the EdgeUnit 6 The Dragon and the EagleUnit 7 Which Price is Right?Unit 8 The Lost Half DecadeUnit 9 Effective Leadership Building a Successful Corporate CultureUnit 10 China's Opening and a Win-for-all WorldKey to Exercises参考文献
It is an urgent question:How can we increase profits if we Call’t raise prices?The answervolutionary thinking——new insights about strategy and human behavior,turbochargedwit}I software,mathematics,and rapid-fire experimentation.Is your company ady to masterthe new era of pricing? Are you prepared to pay the price of failure? Airline tickets cost 40%less than they did 25 years ago.A two-liter botde of Diet Cokeoften has the une price tag as it did in 1985.Light-bulbs,laptops,even the“cost”ofa mortgage-all are at historic lows.It’s been a good 20 years to be a consumer.But for companies.tlle pressure is on.Most companies are desperate to raise prices.Andvirtually every company has the same lament:We can’t.Customers won’t stand for it. Com。petitors will undercut US.And technology will disrupt US again.Jack Welch saw it back in1996。when he,famously complained,“There is no pricing power at a11.”The environment is even tougher today. Anyone who soils anything knows that price is the pivot of business,the ultimate leverage·If you can raise pflees——even a bi-you can increase profits dramatically. If you Can’t raise prices,you feel like your business is struggling,regardless of what is happening with cost,quality,or service. Meanwhile.anyone who buys anything knows that almost nothing has a single price any‘more.Want to know the price of something?Well,you get back a series of questionst Who ale vou?How long have you been a customer?How much are you buying?How good are you at un。blinking negotiation?Did you bring your frequent-shopper card? So I set out on a mi8sion:to enter the hidden world ofprices and pricers.1 wanted to talk candidly with the smartest experts.the savviest executives,and the most nimble tacticians a-bout the most urgent subject in business today:pricing.