申富英 编
为了帮助英语专业考生攻克往年八级试题,并为将来的八级考试做好准备,我们根据近几年英语专业八级考试真题精心编写了本书。本书与目前充斥市场的形形色色的八级“全真模拟试题”、“仿真预测试卷”相比,有以下与众不同的显著特点。 全真试卷,绝对信度:现在图书市场上充斥着形形色色的八级“全真模拟试题”、“仿真预测试卷”,有些图书甚至声称能够帮助考生顺利考到90分以上。当然这在商品经济社会里也无可厚非,广告宣传嘛。然而,在作者看来,无论这些图书吹嘘得多么天花乱坠,都不可与八级全真试卷同日而语。全真试卷在命题的科学性、实用性,以及考试的信度方面,有着模拟试题所不可比拟的优势。全真试卷题型布局合理、考查重点分布均衡、题目难度适中。做全真试卷可使读者很好地把握住八级考试命题的脉络、考查的重点、难点,为八级考试作好充分的准备。 需要指出的是,为了保持所援引的将近数百条名人名言的语言的真实性,我们对例句中的一些不太符合现代语法的表达方式给予了保留,我们认为读者能够读懂这些句子。 本书特色 精解详解,全面深透:针对试题的解析,无论是改错,还是阅读理解,作者不但给读者指出正确答案,而且告诉他们问题所在,并告诉他们一定的解题技巧。力求使读者不但知其然,而且知其所以然,还可帮助他们培养良好的学习和应试习惯,为将来的考试做好准备。 材料丰富,一书多用:本书试题具有相当的深度与难度,因此亦可作为高级别英语测试备考用书,GRE考生、PETS-5考生、博士入学考生一定会发现本书是一个不可多得的好助手。
英语专业八级考试过去时:重温过去TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2002)参考答案与解析听力文字材料TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2003)参考答案与解析听力文字材料TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2004)参考答案与解析听力文字材料英语专业八级考试现在进行时:掌握现在TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2005)参考答案与解析听力文字材料TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2006)参考答案与解析听力文字材料TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2007)参考答案与解析听力文字材料TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2008)参考答案与解析听力文字材料英语专业八级考试现在将来时:把握未来TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS-A SIMULATED PAPER参考答案与解析听力文字材料
Most of the pension schemes are in the red and have to be topped up by the state.The total state contri。bution in 1994 was F125 billion( 25 bilhon), The prime minister says he wants to keep the special schemes.There are three solutions for keepingthem afloat:lengthening the contribution period,increasing contributions,or reducing the pensions paid out.The government chose the first solution in the plan that it announced on November 15.Private sector em.ployees were required in 1993 to contribute for 40 instead of 37.5 years,in order to qualify for a full pension.State employees could still retire after 37.5 years,service provided they had reached the age limit. The prime ministers announcement touched off strikes on the railways,Paris’S transport services andgovernment departments.Facing increasing opposition to this proposal’the prime minister said on December5 that working more years would no longer be a condition for reforming the specml pension schemes. A government commission that wiu examine pensions will,however,be free to propose changes in theretirement age in certain professions.But it will take into consideration the hardships involved in the workand the constraints of working hours. At the moment.the minimum retirement age is 60-as in the private sector before 1983——for 65 percentof public service employees.It is 55,or even 50,for 35 per cent of employees considered to be doing work“involving special risks or exceptional fatigue”. Primary school teachers can retire at 55,but the limit for new,better qualified recruits is 60.Postalworkers at sorting offices can retire at 55,The retiring age for police officers is 50,prison officers 50,nurses 55’and railwaymen 50 and 55 for others,The 30,000 employees of the Paris Metro have an averageretirement age of 53, Two-thirds of the“active”employees and those working in conditions that can damage health in the pub.1ic gas and electric utility retire at 55.Retirement age for notary’S clerks is 55 for women,and 60 for men.For miners,retirement is at 55. Comparing the national pension scheme and the special schemes is not easy,because state employees re.ceive bonuses——some of them substantial——which are not included in calculating their contributions or theirpensions.Experts predict that the printed paper and.glue book will be rendered obsolete by electronic text deliverysystems,of which one,the Microsoft Reader,is already on the market.offering“book”on a pocket PC man.ufactured by Hewlett-Packard.This is not impossible already much of the written communication that usodto be handled by letters,newspapers and magazines has shifted to computer screens and to the vast digital li.brary available over the Internet.If the worst comes true and the paper book joins the papyrus scroll andparchment codex in extinction,we willmiss,I predict,a number of things about it. The book as furniture.Shelved rows of books warrfl and brighten the Starkest room.By bedsidc and easvchair,books promise a cozy,swift and silent release from this world into another.For caSe of aOcess andspeed of storage,books are tough to beat. The book as sensual pleasure.Smaller than a breadbox,bigger than a TV remote,the average book fitsinto the human hand with a seductive nestling,a kiss of texture.whether of cover cloth’glazed iacket orflexible paperback.It’s difficult to determine what constitutes an appropriate tip in any country.In Japan,if you leave acouple of coins on the table.the waiter is liable to chase after you to return your forgotten change.In NewYork,on the other hand if you leave less than 15%,your reservation might not hold up next time.Asia,With its multiplicity of cultures and customs.is a particularly difficult terrain.To make your next trip a littleeasier,here’S a guide to tipping across the region: Tipping is de rigreur in this money-mad metropolis at all but the lowest establishments.Even bathroomsin posh hotels have!ittle dishes forloose change. Restaurants:Most places automatically add a 10%service charge to the bill,but the surcharge oftenends up in the pocket of the owner.not the staff kitty.If the service is good,add another 10%to the bill,upto HK 100 if you’ve in an especially nice restaurant. Porters:HK$10 should do it at all but the nicest hotels where a crisp HK$20 billmay be more ac.ceptable. Taxis,Round up to the nearest dollar although many drivers will do this on their own when makingchange.Tipping is common in Manila.and anything above 10%will gain you undying loyalty。Restaurants:Even if a service charge is included,custom dictates adding another 5%-10%to the bill.Porters,Service in top hotels is good and should bc rewarded Witb 20 pesos per bag.Taxis:Most cabs are metered,and rounding up to the next five pesos is a good rule of thumb. Tipping is not part of Korean culture,although it has become a matter of course in international hotelswhere a 10%scrvice charge iS often added. Restaurants,If you’re at a Korean barbecue joint。there’S no need to add anything extra.But a sleekImlhn restaurant may require a 10%contribution.
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