基础设施项目特许经营国际会议论文集,戴大双,苏敬勤 主编
1 Management Decision-making on Concession Public/Infrastructural Projects Output Specifications for Public-private Projects-pitfalls and the Way Forward From BOT to PPP-A Hong Kong Example Two Decades on Rail-Evaluation, Decision Making and Development of Singapore's Urban Rail Infrastructure: MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) and LRT (Light Rapid Transit) Research on the Value Based Management Index System of Highway Network Research on the Decision-making Model for Concession of Infrastructural Projects Study on the Obstacles and Strategies for the Implementing BOT in Gas Industry Mixed Development Strategies for the Development of Infrastructure Projects Research on Adjustment Method of Concession Period for Infrastructure BOT Projects Game Analysis of BOT Concession Period and Concessionaire Pricing Analysis of BOT Project Investment Decision Based on the Real Options Model Research on the Coordinate Mechanism of the Interest Concerned in Financing for PPP Construction Projects Discussion on the Characteristics and Applying Fields of PFI Mode Discussion on Some Problems of Applying PPP in China The Economic Evaluation of Municipal Engineering PPP projects2 Financial Mode on Concession Public/Infrastructural Projects An Economical Model on Capital Structures and Incentive Mechanism to PPP Project Financing and Operating Modes in Public Projects Study of Wastewater Treatment Plant Financing Model Based on Game Theory Challenges of Private Domestic Finance in Developing Infrastructure Projects in China Research of Project Dynamic Financing System for Infrastructure Project Research on the Project Financing Model on the Infrastructure Construction in Hebei Province Research for Dynamic Financing of Infrastructure Project——Quantitative Analysis for External Factor An Analysis of SWOT on Railway BeT Projects3 Theory and Practice on Agency Mode for Public/Infrastructural Projects The Evaluation Based on the Specialists' Opinion Selection of Capacity of Agent Construction Units in Government Invested Projects……4 Risk Management on Concession Public/Infrastructural Projects5 Other Themes
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