Part 1 接触老外1. How'S everything?打招呼、致意2. You know what?开场白3. Robert,do you know Tom?见面介绍4. YoU look cool!恭维、赞美5. Fantastic!热情祝贺6. Good luck!美好祝愿7. Cheers!表达谢意8. Ttake care!分手道别Part 2 日常沟通1. If i were in your shoes I certainlywould.提出意见或建议2. It sure is.表达同意或不同意3. Sorry about that.表达歉意4. You carryit outtoofax.争论或讨论5. Are you kidding?表达相信或不相信6. Julietisl20matchforSusan进行对比7. Let'Smeet each otherhalfway.妥协与折中8. You're all wet actually.纠正错误9. What'S going on?表达好奇10. It is a hard nut to crack.表达难易11. Look,all you doispressit.进行指导12. What do you mean to do?表达意图13. Are you free for dinner?发出邀请14.Need a hand?主动帮助15. How do you find thingsover here?征求或表达意见16. OK ifI do it?征得许可17. But is it worth the risk?劝说他人18. Getme a drink,willyou please?提出请求19. Don'tyou dare!威胁、恐吓20. Know what I'm getting at?核实理解情况21. Getmoving!催促他人22. Mind out!发出警告23. Well,that'S the ttang.肯定答复24. I'd love to.butI can't.否定答复25. Are you sure?怀疑性答复Part 3 情感表达1. I She'S a thorough drag.厌倦情绪2. I'm all mixed up.心情烦乱3. That's a real let-down.失望与沮丧4. If only I could have a bite of it.希望与意愿5. I'nl fed up with all this.恼怒6. I don't care for meat.喜欢与厌恶7. He'S sure to win.乐观8. I'mboundto lose.悲观9. He'S always my favorite.偏爱10. Good Lord!惊奇诧异11. That'S reallytough.同情与安慰12. I’m really in a flap.担心与恐惧Part 4 交际话题1. Have you got the time?谈论时间和日期2. It seems a glorious day today.谈论天气情况3. He’S a man of character.谈论家人和亲戚4. There’re plenty of fish inthe sea.谈论择偶5. Let’S see ifwe forget things.谈论日常活动6. It’S appetizing and tasty.谈论饮食……Part 5 交际实景