插图:The fifteen-year history of APIDA has witnessed the rapid progress and improvement of interiordesign level around the Asia Pacific region. This year, mote than 550 entries have been receivedfrom such countries and regions in Asia Pacific as Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong,mainland China and Chinese Taiwan.The judging process of the 15th APIDA has been divided int0 2 rounds, namely Hong Kong Roundand International Round. The scores given by the 4 judges of the Hong Kong Round contribute tothe 60% of the total scores whereas the scores given by the 6 judges of the International Roundfrom France, Italy, Malaysia, Japan, USA and UK, account For the remaining 40%.Looking back the past and looking into the future, APIDA will continue to give awards andrecognition to the outstanding interior design projects and designers, promoting professionalstandards and ethics among interior design practices operating in the Asia Pacific region.亚太室内设计大奖的15年历程见证了整个亚太地区室内设计水平的进步与提升。本届大奖共收到了来自澳大利亚、泰国、新加坡、中国香港、中国内地与中国台湾等国家和地区的550多件参赛作品。本届大奖作品的评选分为两轮,即香港评选和国际评选。其中四位香港评委给出的评分占总比分的60%:此外,还有六位分别来自法国、意大利、马来西亚、日本、美国和英国的国际评委他们的评分占总比分的40%。回顾过去,展望未来.亚太室内设计大奖将一如继往地对优秀的室内设计项目和设计师给予鼓励和肯定,推动亚太地区的室内设计水平更上一层楼。Mr.Kinney Chan陈德坚Chairman of HKIDA香港室内设计协会主席Ms.Louisa YoungChairlady of APIDA亚太室内设计大奖组委会主席
亚太区室内设计大奖举办至今十五年,旨在表扬杰出的室内设计项目和设计师,同时提高亚太区室内设计业内的专业水平和操守。亚太区室内设计大奖欢迎所有香港、中国、台湾、新加坡、日本、马来西亚、澳门、泰国、菲律宾、印尼、印度、韩国、澳洲及新西兰的室内设计人士参加,现在就把握机会参赛,赢取这个全球性室内设计界的殊荣! 本书有来自亚太地区多个国家和地区的67个会所娱乐空间优秀作品,为广大设计师朋友案头不可或缺之精品著作。
Sky 21,Macau福建世欧彼岸城售楼中心大湖之都正荣会China Qiandaohu Country ClubFo rest Spring Spa at Mission HillsClub F1Mission HiI!s Spa,Spring ValleyDeep Blue Plaza ClubhouseRoyal G reen广西柳州东郡会所深圳合正魅力城售楼中心Mission HifIs Golf ClubThe Racing ClubCITIC Mang rove Bay CIubhouseNoble H…ClubhouseClubhouse at the Vineya rd,Ngau Tam MeiBeauty Fo reve r Salon Center—CentralWhy ClubThe Cha rior Club,Hong KongG rand WaterfrontN01 High StreetClub de Canary @ Lei Yue Mun麦乐迪KTV北京中关村店麦乐迪KTV重庆市解放碑店东厦演歌台FAIRCLUBBABYFACE酒吧印瑜伽生活会馆天王星KTV中心店福州路66号足疗会所苏州水晶之恋桑拿商务会所嘉兴市七号官邸娱乐会所万科金色家园私人会所武汉长江大酒店国际俱乐部重庆席丹商务会所苏州凯悦温泉会所室内设计东逸(水疗)沐足金都休闲会所重庆市阳光娱乐会所宛西制药博士后接待中心金海涛健康中心扬州LED会所南京世茂滨江新城会所名客汇健康SPA方源会所西安经发国际会馆浙大网新公司会所西安临潼爱琴海温泉会所武汉赛洛城会所桐林半山体验馆成都欧景蓝天会所名都嘉年华SPA水疗会馆(ENIGMA)英格玛抗衰健康会馆风采、巴厘岛国际男士水疗会馆CICI CLUB国广at会馆“茂德公草堂”会所“源”休闲会所后街19栋潇洒皇宫桑拿休闲中心银色假日休闲水会广州市保利康桥售楼部唐会俱乐部杭州惠品臻(私人)会所深圳静园瑜伽海岸城分馆重庆保利高尔夫会所DECLEOR SPA思妍丽美容美体中心
插图:福建世欧彼岸城售楼中心品伊创意机构&美国IARI刘卫军设计师事务所/刘卫军/黄昌浪、郭健The landscape inside the spaceThe design expression of Beyond Life not only extends the artisticstyle of the architecture, but also enhances the interactiveand communicative nature of the space. The whole space accentuatesthe aesthetic sense of modern architectural art.Thevisual effect is full of rhythm that upgrades the spacial depth andbrings the harmonious unification back to the space. The designoffers people a delicate, gorgeous and pure sense that fully expressesthe minimalism of the design. Besides, lighting, sound and shadow create a warm, fragrant and smooth atmosphere.The use of the materials is consistent with the design concept,such as luminous film, chain slings, artistic laser projection, artificialstone, wooden floor, printed glass, LED light and jade-likecrystal stone etc. in the interior space, the materials of modernelements combine with the rational scaled arrangement, whichintensively manifests the stylish artistic sense, making the relationshipof the space more simple and concise.