任福洪 编
《英语专项训练综合指导一本通》以2008年“专升本”英语考试大纲、《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》(A、B级)为依据,结合了2005年至2008年的实考真题,系统地分析了出题形式,并深研考点,总结考查要点,满足考生复习时一书在手、触类旁通的迫切需求。 《英语专项训练综合指导一本通》结合了2008年最新试题,深研考点,把握命题趋势,全面系统地总结归纳了各部分试题的内在规律和应试技巧,概括了考试要点,分项讲解,讲练结合,最终达到使考生掌握要点,了解应试策略,轻松过关的目的。
第一部分 专项指导与训练第一章 语法结构(考点及专项测试)第一节 主谓一致第二节 反意疑问句第三节 倒装第四节 虚拟语气第五节 动词的时态第六节 被动语态第七节 非谓语动词第八节 定语从句第九节 名词性从句第十节 状语从句第二章 词汇(考点及专项测试)第三章 阅读理解(考点及专项测试)第一节 选择题第二节 匹配题第三节 简答题第四节 阅读填空第四章 翻译(考点及专项测试)第一节 句子翻译第二节 段落翻译第五章 写作(考点及专项测试) 第二部分 综合模拟与真题测试Model Test 1M0del Test 2Model Test 3Model Test 4Model Test 5Model Test 6参考答案2005年全真试题2006年全真试题2007年全真试题2008年全真试题参考答案附录1 常考重要短语附录2 专升本英语考试常用不规则动词表附录3专升本英语考试主观答题纸
A boy between the ages of 6 and 14 still admires his mother and has plenty to learn from her. But his interests are changing as he is becoming more interested in what men have to offer. A boy knows he is turning into a man. He has to learn from a man to complete his development. The fathers job is to step in over time. If there is no father around, then the child depends more on finding other men at school, for example. Yet men are leaving teaching, especially in primary schools. This is a problem. They insisted, too, that they needed lots of extra support. Throughout primary school years and into high school, boys should spend a lot of time with their fathers and mothers, getting their help, learning how to do things and enjoying their company. With regard to feelings, at this stage the father is more important. The boy is ready to learn from his father and listens to what he has to say. Often he will take more notice of his father. Its enough to drive a mother wild. Now is a good time for a father to do "little" things, playing in the yard on summer evenings, going for walks, telling stories about life, telling him about his own youth, working on hobbies or sports together for the enjoyment of doing it. This is the time when good memories are laid down that will be healthy to your son, and you, for years to come. Although every boy is different, its common for boys at this age to get a little argumentative, restless and moody. Its not that they are turning had but just that they are being born into a new self and birth always means struggle. I believe this is the age when we fail teenagers the most. In our society all we offer those in the middle teens is "more of the same"., more school. So its little wonder that problems arise.