深圳市艺力文化传播有限公司,广州市唐艺文化传播有限公司 编著
The 21st centu ry is an era of pu rsuing rational consumption The g rade isnot reflected in the increase of wealth,but deep in the hea rt of the concern towithstand time flying,which is realIv valuable. 21世纪是一个理性消费的时代。品位绝不是体现在财富的攀升上,而是关注内心深处的需求能够经得起时间的沉淀,这才是真正有价值的东西。
The design of the 21st century will be different from the minimalism design which waspopular in the past few years emphasizing innovation in appearance. The application ofnew materials and new technologies will be given more attention. New materials andnew technologies suggest that design has come into a new era that breaks the rule andheaviness of normal furniture and brings many new design ideas. The leisurely and relaxeddesign has become the logo of top design and the holy land of design field. Exciting andprogressive design is based on the application of new materials and new technologies allthe time. Along with the rapid development of modern science and technology, 3D fibreglass, gelinite, swollen aluminum, 3D fabric and diving material appear one after another.New products can be produced due to these new materials. The design of future productsshould be organic, portable, concise, soft, poetic, functional and modular from the aspectof aesthetic view.