深圳市艺力文化发展有限公司 编
Signage is sometimes seen - wrongly - as a relativelynarrow area of design. In fact: now more thanever: it is a highly dynamic specialism: spanningenvironmental graphics: building embellishmentand a wholeraft of branded communication: frombranded retail fascias to directional signage and publicinformation systems. There are a lot of exciting peopleout there presenting public information in particularin stunning new sculptural ways: as well as plenty oftalented interior design teams who are creating evermore integrated signage: using the overall designlanguage of an interior design concept. The impact ofdigital technology on signage is also in its infancy andpoints to an exciting future of touchscreen flexibilitywith complete control of information updates.Good signage should be seen and understood freelyand easily. When it works well: it should be intuitiveand never invasive. In a way it should almost beinvisible. There is no excuse any more for signagethat is tacked on in the later stages of a project orpurchased in an off-the-shelf package.
As a part of modern culture: visual sign systemnot only has its function in guidance:explanation and indication: to a large extend: italso plays an important role in environmentallayouts: style and culture molding. This book collects works of well-knowndesigners all over the world. Its mainly devidedinto two parts: environmental visual signsystem and office visual sign system: while alsoincluding some parts of public visual signsystem. The creativity and innovation of thesedesigners will give you a comprehensive insightinto visual sign system. The delicate molding ofthe designers to the shape: color and tactilesensation of different works and their overallcontrol of the whole project will no doubt bringsome freshment to our readers.
AsylumEntro CommunicationsProdukcija 004BVDSaffron Brand ConsultantsStudioAadhauser lacourKen-tsai leefd2sTwo TwelveSHHON-ASilvia Amaduzzi / Tommaso Catalucci / Giorgio CavigliaVersionAbsolute Design StudioNOSIGNERRenata RodriguesStudio ThomsonMichael WalkerMind DesignWaltritsch a+uDemokraticaFinn ButlerSoren Luckins / Dave WilliamsonPopulousDongdaoZuckerman Sachs ArchitectsPM-ARQMET StudioLaVita