雷曼、 等 西北工业大学 (2008-03出版)
Design process is considered to be the most important and crucial phase of the product life cycle,because it affects all the downstream stages of the product life cycle in terms of cost and quality of the decisions made at different levels of an enterprise regarding a product/system to be designed.Management of the "Design Process" involves an approach where an organization makes decisions related to the design process in customer/marked oriented fashion as well as optimizing the design process.Design Management further provides a link between "Design Process","Technology","Tools & Methods" and "Management" at different levels of an organization.The contents of this book present in detail ten broad topics related to the field of Design Managementand are developed as course notes of one module (Design Management and Prediction) of MSc in Advanced Design and Manufacture funded by European Commission through their Asia Link--FASTAHEAD project.
作者:(英)雷曼 等
1 Manufacturing Trends & Comparisons1.1 History of Productivity and Employment in Manufacturing1.2 Research in Manufacturing1.3 Timeline of Different Manufacturing Methods1.4 Reengineering the Manufacturing Traits2 Costs and Good Product Development2.1 Advantages of Early Product Introduction2.2 Investment in Product Development2.3 Project Life Cycle Costs2.4 Product Costing and Design2.5 Life Cycle Costs and Control3 Approaches to Integrated Product Development (IPD)3.1 Need Situation for a New Product3.2 Interdisciplinary Product Development3.3 Quality Control in Integrated Product Development3.4 Life Cycle Team Efforts3.5 Sequential Vs Concurrent Engineering3.6 Typical Deliverables in Product Development Process3.7 Concurrency among Phases of Product Development Process3.8 Lead Time Reduction3.9 Concurrent Engineering Benefits3.10 Concurrent Engineering Drawbacks3.11 Aspects of Design Development4 Nature of Design and Design Process Models4.1 What Is Design?4.2 What Is a Product?4.3 Design and Society4.4 Types of Design4.5 Characteristics of Design Activity4.6 Design Degrees of Freedom4.7 Types of Designers4.8 Design Process Models5 Team Working and Organizational Structures5.1 What Is Team Work?5.2 Company's Activities within Product Development5.3 Management Styles5.4 Organization of a Business Unit5.5 Management Responsibilities in Product Development5.6 Product Development Team5.7 Function-Project Relationships5.8 Difficulties in the Management of Product Development Process5.9 Concurrent Engineering Teams5.10 Synergy and Team Work5.11 Elements to Team Cooperation6 Design Complexities and Design Coordination6.1 Design Complexities6.2 Design Coordination7 Design Performance7.1 What Is Performance?7.2 EFQM Model of Business Excellence7.3 Achievement of European Quality Award7.4 Overall Competitiveness7.5 Product Development Performance7.6 Benchmarking Performance7.7 Issues in Product Development Performance7.8 Product Development Performance Model7.9 Summary of Discussion8 Innovation in Design8.1 What Is Innovation?8.2 Intellectual Property8.3 Concept of a Patent9 Design Process Optimization9.1 What Is Optimization?9.2 Process Modelling Techniques9.3 PERT/CPM Method9.4 Gantt Chart Method9.5 IDEF Method9.6 Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) Method10 Collaborative and Distributed Design10.1 Project Management10.2 Crossing Organisation of Business Units10.3 Efficient Time Planning and Management