现代西方教育思想不仅源流学派异彩纷呈,而且显示出深层转变并日益走向综合发展的趋势同时,这一令人捉摸难定的趋势,又隐约展示出深刻的历史渊源、文化背景以及学理的传承相继。我国教育理论界历来重视对国外优秀教育思想的引入和借鉴,从赫尔巴特教学法到凯洛夫的教育学,从杜威的进步主义教育运动到后现代主义教育思潮等等应时而生的教育思想都对我国教育理论界产生了或大或小或显或隐的影响。可以说,我国教育理论界从来没有“闭关锁国”、“妄自尊大”的夜郎心态,总是自觉地融入世界教育理论发展的潮流之中。 当前,我国教育理论工作者积极地关注国外教育思想的发展动态,这从不断涌现的大量国外教育思想的译著和评价中可以窥见一斑。这样的译著为我们提供了接触国外优秀教育理论的平台,尤其对于受外语水平限制的研究人员来说,更有其存在的必然性与合理性。但是,按照阐释学的观点来看,人们对对象的思维总是渗透着主体的意向性,对文本的理解总是以译者的前见、成见、回忆、想象、符号思维等“前知识结构”为前提的理论重构过程,也就是说,这样的译著往往是译者的视界与文本或知识的视界融合的结果,这样,当我们对译著再次解读时,我面对的已经不是“原汁原味”的东西了。在解读的过程中,我们也会遭遇译文观点的模棱两可而无法释怀,费尽心机地揣测是作者原文的纰漏还是翻译过程中造成的误解。因此,严肃的外国教育理论研究倡导选用原版著作,研究生的培养也应力求通过外文资料来把握国外教育理论动态,从而为我们的教育理论界理解和借鉴西方教育思想,保证一个良好的心态,奠定一个扎实的基础,以期不久的将来看到我们的教育理论界在荆棘与鲜花并见的求索道路上前进一步。
Part 1 Teaching and Learning in Today's Classrooms Chapter 1 The Scientific Basis for the Art of Teaching Chapter 2 Student Learning in Diverse ClassroomsPart 2 The Leadership Aspects of Teaching Chapter 3 Teacher Planning Chapter 4 Classrooms As Learning Communities Chapter 5 Classroom Management Chapter 6 Assessment and EvaluationPart 3 The Interactive Aspects of Teaching Chapter 7 Presenting and Explaining Chapter 8 Direct Instruction Chapter 9 Concept Teaching Chapter 10 Cooperative Learning Chapter 11 Problem-Based Learning Chapter 12 Classroom DiscussionPart 4 The Organizational Aspects of Teaching Chapter 13 School Leadership and CollaborationResource Handbook Unit 1 Reading and Using Research Unit 2 Action Research for Classroom Teachers
Cassandra Garda5th and 6th GradeThis is the type of situation that demands action on twofronts, one short-term, the other more long-term. For the shortterm, I would have some of the special education and coun-seling personnel provide human relations training for stu-dents in the dass. I would want them to emphasize how to getalong with one another, how to communicate in positiveways, and how to resolve conflict situations without resortingto anger or force. I would also like them to provide studentswith experiences through which they would get to know eachother on a personal level. I think this would help students lis-ten to each other a little better and display less indifference to-ward one another. On a longer-term basis, I would work to establish an envi-ronment of trust between the students and myself and amongthe various groups of students. I would use "classroom meet-ings" to help students discuss their problems and differences.I would start using cooperative learning groups on a regularbasis. I would make sure that each group had representativesfrom the three racial and ethnic groups and that each grouphad one of the special-needs students. I would make sure thatall assignments were set up in such a way that students hadto work together and each students success was tied to thegroups accomplishments. I know that it will take a long time to develop the type oflearng environment I envision. I will have to remain patientand to expect many setbacks along the way.