

赵鹏芳 编 四川大学出版社





赵鹏芳 编  




  Standard English,即美国普通话(General American),是美国人日常使用的规范英语。VOA使用“Standard English”这一词是为了区别于“Special English”。Standard English的播音速度每分钟不低于140个单词,词汇量在4000以上,句子较长,结构复杂,内容翔实。  和Special English节目一样,Standard English也分为新闻和专题两大类。新闻节目主要有:News Now(即时新闻),这是一个24小时播出的节目;News Review(新闻回顾),则是对过去一周所发生的美国和国际上的重大新闻事件作一回顾报道。  Standard English的专题节目与新闻节目相比,选题较为固定,但内容更为生动详尽,剖析更为深刻;多采用现场录音或现场直播,播音也完全不受死板的播音间歇的限制,而是随着情感的起伏自由处理。有的地方边想边说,时断时续;有的地方则流畅如同行云流水,轻声慢语,使听众感到十分亲切。在报道中,各地记者的电话录音和发音都不如播音员清晰纯正,被访者大都能说英语,不乏南腔北调,这样也增加了收听难度,但能听懂这些内容才是英语听力学习的最终目标。


  Standard English的专题节目与新闻节目相比,选题较为固定,但内容更为生动详尽,剖析更为深刻;多采用现场录音或现场直播,播音也完全不受死板的播音间歇的限制,而 是随着情感的起伏自由处理。有的地方边想边说,时断时续;有的地方则流畅如同行云流水,轻声慢语,使听众感到十分亲切。在报道中,各地记者的电话录音和发音都不如播音员清晰纯正,被访者大都能说英语,不乏南腔北调,这样也增加了收听难度,但能听懂这些内容才是英语听力学习的最终目标。


UNIT 1 CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD(儿童是世界的未来)Lesson 1 Eliminate Child Labor(消除童工)1—1 IL Tries to Eliminate Child Labor1—2 The Growing Child Trafficking Problem in South Asia1—3 Children’S Rescue Highlights Nigeria’S Battle with Trafficking1—4 West African Governments Combat Trafficking of Child LaborersLesson 2 Child Soldier(儿童士兵)2—1 Former Child Soldier Speaks out2—2 Removing the Scars of War2—3 Palestinian Boy Killed in Gaza2—4 Child Soldiers Fight in Conflicts WorldwideLesson 3 Child Welfare(儿童福利)3—1 Valuable Art Auction Will Benefit UNICEF3—2 Significant Progress in Global Child Welfare3—3 Top US Toy Store Teams with Marines to DonateHoliday Presents to Needy Kids3—4 IFPRI’S Conference to Focus on Child MalnutritionLesson 4 Child Education(儿童教育)4—1 Teen Ink Magazine Targets Teenagers4—2 New Book Provides Reassurance for Kids of Alcoholics4—3 Powell Urges Arab.Israeli Teenagers to Work for Peace4—4 Teacher Turns Terminal Illness into Teen Anti-Smoking CampaignUNIT 2 AMERICAN IMMIGRANTS(美国移民状况)Lesson 5 The Policy of Immigration(移民政策)5—1 US Government Presents New Orientation Guide for Immigrants5—2 Bush Wants Immigration Procedures Simplified5—3 US Lawmakers Consider Amending Constitution to AllowForeign Born to Run for President5—4 US Immigration Reform Likely a Significant Issue inRace for White HouseLesson 6 The Status of American Immigrants(美国移民地位)6—1 Immigrants Are 13 Percent of US Workforce6—2 Immigrant Workers Expand US Labor Pool6—3 Most Americans Positive About Immigration6—4 Doctor Cares for Latino ImmigrantsLesson 7 Brilliance of Successful Immigrants(成功移民者的辉煌)7—1 Immigrants Are Likely US Entrepreneurs7—2 Immigrants Interpret America’S Thanksgiving Celebration7—3 The First African American to Win the 0scar7—4 Asian Americans Could Cast Decisive Vote in Tight US ElectionsLesson 8 Complaints of Those Who Suffer Discrimination(受歧视者的不满)8—1 New Generation ofImmigrants Flock to US8—2 Understanding Muslim Opinion8—3 Muslim—Americans Say They Suffer Job Discrimination8—4 US House Passes Tough Immigration LawUNIT 3 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN AMERICA(美国总统大选)Lesson 9 Election Arena Comes into Being(擂台格局的形成)9—1 Democrats Officially Nominate John Kerry for President9—2 Republican Convention Officially Nominates President Bush for Second Term9—3 Bush Pursues 2 nd Term in the Wake of Historic Events9—4 Campaign Profile:John KerryLesson 10 Embodiment of Democracy and Money(民主与金钱的体现)10—1 Fundraising Crucial for US Presidential Candidates10—2 Suppoers of Caucus System in US Elections Say Process Reflects True Democracy at W0rk10—3 US Election Enters New Phase10—4 New Book Explores Early Stages of US Presidential CampaignsLesson 11 Showing up by Disputing and Debating(激辩展示才华)11—1 Bush and Kerry Spar over Iraq War.Economy11—2 Kerry:Bush Made Wrong Choices on Iraq11—3 Bush and Kerry Battle over War on Terrorism11—4 President Bush and Democratic Candidate Kerry Spar over US SecurityLesson 12 Swinging to Win More Votes(游说赢取选票)12—1 Bush and Kerry Campaign in Key States12—2 Bush and Kerry Continue Campaign in Battleground States12—3 Polls Indicate Tight US Presidential Race12—4 Bush Celebrates While Democrats ReffectUNIT 4 FIGHTING AGAINST TSUNAMI(全球一心抗海啸)Lesson 13 Disaster Victims Are Everywhere(哀鸿遍野)13—1 Many Tsunami Disaster Zones Wait for Relief Supplies13—2 Aid Reaching Tsunami Survivors in Indonesia 3 Weeks After Disaster,Bodies Still Being Found13—3 Tsunami Responsible for over One Million Lost Jobs13—4 In Natural Disasters the Poor Are Hardest HitLesson 14 Relief Efforts Around the World(列国救援)14—1 Ships,Planes from Several Nations Deliver Aid to Tsunami Victims?14—2 Reaching Tsunami Victims with Lifesaving Aid14—3 Indonesia:No Deadline for Foreign Troops Helping Tsunami Victims to Leave14—4 Celebrities Raise Funds for Tsunami VictimsLesson 15 The UN Action(联合国行动)15—1 UN Raises Record Aid Amounts for Tsunami Victims15—2 UN Official Praises Wealthy Nations for Disaster FUnds15—3 UNICEF Focuses Efforts on Tsunami Child Survivors15—4 Top UN Official Vows of Asian Tsunami.“Never Ever Again”Lesson 16 Reconstruction and Rehabilitation(重建家园)16—1 Struggle Continues for Thais in Tsunami?Hit Regions16—2 Sri Lankans Look to Rebuild After Deadly Tsunami16—3 Aid Workers Race Against the Clock16—4 Acehnese Try to Build a Life on Shuttered DreamsAnswer Keys and Tapescripts(答案及录音文本)




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