Jokes and Humorous Stories
1. Olaf Mails a Letter
2. The Line down the Middle of the Room
3. Poor Jimmy Smith
4. April Fool
5. Jean's Haircut
6. The Mixed-Up Family
7. The Well Diggers
8. Mr. Sparks Tries to Help
9. The Little Woman Wanted Noise
10. 22 Stories of Nasreddin
Stories of Children
11. I-Iarry the Hero
12. My Name Is Not "Hey, You!"
13. Bob's Luck
11. Except Rachel
15. The Long Wait
16. Saturday with Dave
17. The Scare IIouse
18. Lost in the Jungle
19. What to Do If You Get Lost
20. Rusty Rings a Bell
21. Streak Jackson's Rosks
22. 7 Letters from Camp
23. The Mystery of the Suitcase
24. The Picnic Mystery
25. The Case of the Scattercd Cards
Stories of Animals and Plants
26. The Fir Tree
27. The White Bird
28. Kangaroo Sleepy
29. Whale Sharp Ears
SO. Can Animals Learn to Talk?
3l. The Ox and the Frog
32. The Tiger in Tears
33. Petunia
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幽默故事--中学英语拾级读物第三级第3册(总第13册) PDF格式下载