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当一本书仍在断断续续重印的时候,修订它是一个很大的挑战,要突破旧版的窠臼有所创新,才能赢得读者的喜爱。就像长江的后浪,只有更大的势头,才能超过前浪。为了使修订版更具生命力,编者们吸取原书的精华,借鉴了同类教材的优点。 本教材全新修订。修订时,编者们有意识地从文化介绍的角度选择材料、编写教材。贯穿全书的强烈的文化意识是本教材最大的特点。课文也从原先的六个单元增至七个:除了旅游预定和入境(Tour Reservation and Arrival)、宾馆住宿(mccom-modation)、饮食文化(Fo
本教材大处着眼,小处放手,中华文化娓娓道来,不仅展现中国悠久的历史、辽阔的国土地理,也囊括了各地风俗礼仪、大餐小吃、特色手工艺等。特别设立“中国文化瑰宝”单元,集中介绍戏剧、武术、中药、风俗礼仪以及传统节日等中国文化精髓。 本教材特别适合做旅游管理专业英语教材。
Unit One Tour Reservation and Arrival Lesson1 At the Travel Agency Lesson2 Ticket Reservation Lesson3 On the Plane Lesson4 Cystoms InspectionUnit Two Accommodation Lesson5 Room Reservation Lesson6 Registration Lesson7 Hotel Services Lesson8 Complaints and EmergenciesUnit Three Food Culture Lesson9 Chinese Food Culture Overview Lesson10 History and Theory Lesson11 Table Manners Lesson12 Cooking Techniques Lesson13 Famous Dishes Lesson14 Stories behind Famous Dishes Lesson15 Chinese Medicinal Diet Lesson16 Chinese Tea Culture Lesson17 Bars Lesson18 Wine CultureUnit Four Tourist Attractions Lesson19 Anhui Lesson20 Beijing……Unit Five ShoppingUnit Six Pearls of Chinese CultureUnit Seven DepartureKey to the Exercise
~What to Bring Along "Lightweight" and "Compact" are two words you should remember whenyou are deciding what to bring along. China today is well stocked with mostpersonal items. You will have many chances to buy whatever you may need. Itwould be much better to buy them when you need along the way, than to endup throwing them away because you have too much to carry! However, there are some things we suggest that you bring from home. Buy a good backpack and you will never regret. A strong backpack is mucheasier to carry than a suitcase. A small shoulder bag is necessary for carrying your camera and other dailyitems around after you have left your backpack at the hotel or railway station.But do not place valuables in them. Clothing is inexpensive and one of the best buys in China, so we do notsuggest you bring too much from home. Basically you need only two sets ofclothes, one to wear while the other set is being washed. Take with you just acouple of shirts, sweaters, and a jacket (depending on the season). These canbe worn in layers in case of climatic changes. Dark colored clothing is a betterchoice because it does not show the dirt. If you are traveling in north China during winter, prepare yourself forextreme cold. A good down jacket, hat, mittens and boots are necessary.Besides underwear and rainwear, comfortable socks and hiking boots are alsoneeded. Bring a good pair of sunglasses, a hat, sunscreen lotion and a water bottleespecially when you are traveling in the desert areas or at high altitudes. Tooth-brush, towel, wet tissue, cold and indigestion medications, lip balmand any other first-aid items you may generally need should be included. If~~youhave to take regular prescription medicines, be sure to bring enough supplies foryour trip. Remember to pack your camera, enough films and batteries as well. Notethat while print film can be found in most places, slide film may be difficult tofind. Electrical multi adaptor is a must if you plan on bringing electricalappliances. An alarm clock would also be useful. ~