吕乐 编
本教材是专门为高职高专商务英语专业学生而精心编写的。由著名英语专家主编,高职商务英语教学一线骨干敦师、本科商务英语教学专家、英语语言教育专家和企业商务英语培训教师联袂编写,由外籍商务英语专家审定把关。本教材有以下特点: 起点、难度适当,符合高职学生的实际特点 注重语言基本功,强化听说读写译技能训练 富有时代特色,商务与语言有机衔接 重在培养职业能力,适应商务职场的需要 配有光盘、多媒体课件及网站,方便课余巩固
使用说明Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16
uestion I What is culture?Question 2 What is the relationship between language and culture?Culture, in a broad sense, means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns ofbelief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the lifeof the human community (Question 1).The relationship between language and culture is just like that between fish and water (Question 2). The fish live in water. We live in culture. Human beings are cultural species.For one thing, language is the part of culture that serves as a vehicle for the transmissionofother cultural patterns. For another thing, language is influenced and shaped by culture.Language has its meaning only when it reflects culture because words have meanings interms of the culture in which they function. Therefore, it is impossible to separatelanguage from culture. Language is a reflection of culture, and culture influences languageby way of symbols and rules as well as our perceptions of the world. For example, Englishpeople regard dog as human beings best friend, so we can find expressions / idioms withdog which often have commendatory meaning such as lucky dog, Every dog has his day,while in Chinese many expressions with dog have derogatory or pejorative meaning, like (be monstrously audacious)and (lackey; henchman hired thug).This text is a piece of argumentation in which the author puts forward his viewpoint: theworld is better off without rare languages and then provides several reasons to argue for it.At the beginning of the text, the author tells the reader that Westez, the last speaker ofthe native American language Catawba, died. Not only professional linguists but alsoadvocates of cultural diversity mourned for his death, because they believed that with himdied the language itself. They worried that massive disappearance of languages would be anirretrievable loss and would result in a homogenizing monoculture. In view of this, theauthor voices his opinion and maintains that the whole point of a language is to enablecommunication and a language spoken by one person is not a language at all. The authorargues that cultural homogenization is something to be welcomed, not feared. Learningother languages, delving into other cultures and making contact across barriers of languageand culture allow us to expand our own horizons and become more universal in our outlook.And the more universally we can communicate, the more dynamic our culture will be. Theauthor further maintains that the idea that particular languages embody unique visions ofthe world derives from the romantic concept of cultural difference; the preservation oflinguistic diversity gives rise to racial difference. Finally the author reiterates that it is notnecessary to preserve rare languages by quoting from John Stuart Mill.
近年来,高职高专商务英语学生大量增加而配套合适教材匮乏。为适合新形势对技能型人才的需要,服务高职院校教学,决定编写一套能满足高职高专商务英语专业及社会成人教学所需要的商务英语系列教材。 在词汇练习中我们尽量体现以下原则:1)练习中的“语境”力求真实自然、典型实用;题材力求广泛、多样、贴近生活;内容力求积极健康、符合教材整体对文化内涵的标准。2)循序渐进、细水长流。以上各项练习内容在第三册书中进一步深化。3)练习的具体设计尽量做到符合学生水平、难易适中,但同时也包括一些较难的部分,以满足部分学生的需求。4)练习的方法包括机械、半机械及比较灵活等不同类型,各类型有合理的比例,防止侧重语言训练而忘记语言交际的目的,或侧重思想表达而造成语言失控的现象。5)尽量把学生放在主动地位,启发学生进行自主观察、归纳总结和练习。6)第三册适当控制翻译练习的使用,以便在一段时间内让学生摆脱对母语的依赖。
书收到后,发现书里附带的光盘是坏的!上面有很多道裂痕!叫人怎么用啊?因为急着要用,所以没时间换了。很不满意, 希望大家以后买的时候当面检查书中附带的光盘是否是坏的!!!