This is the revised edition of the book, which was originally published by Hunan Normal University Press. In the present edition, I have corrected some oversights, made some improvements, and added the appendix, which I think is necessary to the study ofConrad. Since its publication, I have received encouragements and sugges-tions for revision; quite a number of students have used it as a refer-ence for their theses writing. I am always aware that it is far from perfect, and it needs further improvements. I wish that this book could be ofhelp to those who are interested in Joseph Conrad; mean-while I sincerely hope that readers of this book would make com-ments so that I could make it better.
ForewordAcknowledgementsIntroductionChapter1 A Discussion of the Theory and Practice of CarnivalPractice of Carnival1.1 The Bakhtinian Theory of the Carnivalesque1.2 A Historical View of Carnival PracticeChapter2 The Carnivalesque Spirit in Conrad's Fiction2.1 The Carnivalesque in Conrad's Fiction2.2 The Harlequinade in Conrad's Fiction2.3 The Carnivalistic Death Scenes in Conrad's FictionChapter3 Lord Jim in the Light of the Carnivalesque3.1 Jim as a Hero3.2 Jim as Lord/GodChapter4 The Carnival Collective and the Carnival Hell4.1 The Carnival Collective4.2 The Carnival HellChapter5 Carnival,Dialogicity,and the lssue of Honour5.1 Carnival and Dialogicity5.2 The Dialogue on the Issue of Honour in Lord JimConclusionBibliographyAppendix Periodization of Conrad's Writing