王松林、 朱卫红 华中师范大学出版社 (2010-08出版)
王松林,朱卫红 编
Chapter 1 Literature of Old and Middle English Periods (450——1485) I.Introduction2.Old English Period: 449——10662.1 The Venerable Bede and Caedmon 2.2 King Alfred the Great2.3 Beowulf3.Middle English Period: 1066——14853.I Medieval Romance3.2 Folk Ballad3.3 John Wycliffe and William Langland3.3.1 John Wycliffe (1324——1384)3.3.2 William Langland (1330——1388)3.4 Drama in the Middle Ages3.5 Geoffrey Chaucer (1343——1400)3.5.1 Chaucer's Life Background3.5.2 Chaucer's Literary CareerChapter 2 Literature of English Renaissance { 1485——-1616)1.Introduction2.Thomas More and Francis Bacon2.1 Thomas More (1478——1535) ~2.2 Francis Bacon (1561——1626)3.Sir Philip Sidney and Edmund Spenser3.1 Sir Philip Sidney (1554——1586)3.2 Edmund Spenser (1522——1599)4.Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson4.1 Christopher Marlowe (1564——1593)4.2 Ben Jonson (1572——1637)5.William Shakespeare (1564——1616)5.1 Life and Achievements5.2 Historical Plays5.3 Comedies5.4 Tragedies5.5 Romances5.6 SonnetsChapter 3 Literature of the 17th Century (1616——-1688)1.Introduction2.John Milton (1608——1674)3.The Metaphysical Poets3.1 John Donne (1572——1631)3.2 George Herbert (1593——1633)3.3 Andrew Marvell (1621——1678)4.The Restoration Drama5.John Dryden (1631——1700)6.John Bunyan (1628——1688)Chapter 4 Literature of the 18th Century (1688——1798)I.Introduction2.Alexander Pope (1688——1744)3.Joseph Addison and Richard Steele3.1 Joseph Addison (1672——1719)3.2 Richard Steele (1672——1729)4.Samuel Johnson (1709——1784)5.The Rise of the Novel in England5.1 Daniel Defoe (1659? ——1731)5.2 Jonathan Swift (1667m1745)5.3 Samuel Richardson (1689m1761)5.4 Henry Fielding (1707——1754)5.5 Tobias George Smollett (1721——1771)5.6 Oliver Goldsmith (1730——1774)5.7 Laurence Sterne (1713——1768)5.8 The Gothic Novel: Horace Walpole (1717——1797) and Ann Radcliffe (1764——1823)6.Pre-Romantic Poetry6.1 Graveyard School Poet: Thomas Gray (1716——1771)6.2 Robert Burns (1759——1796)6.3 William Blake (1757——1827)Chapter 5 Literature of the Romantic Period (1798——1832)I.Introduction2.The First Generation Romantics2.I William Wordsworth (1770——1850)2.2 Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772——1834)2.3 Robert Southey (1774——1843)3.The Second Generation Romantics3.1 George Gordon Byron (1788——1824)3.2 Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792——1822)3.3 John Keats (1795——1821)4.Novelist of Social Manners: Jane Austen (1775——1817)5.Historical Novelist: Waiter Scott (1771——1832)6.Familiar Essayist : Charles Lamb (1775——1834)Chapter 6 Literature of the Victorian Age (1832——1900)1.Introduction2.Victorian Novelists2.1 Charles Dickens (1812——1870)2.2 William Makepeace Thackeray (1811——1863)2.3 Charlotte Bront~ and Emily Bront~2.3.1 Charlotte Bront~ (1816——1855)2.3.2 Emily Bront~ (1818——1848)2.4 George Eliot (1819——1880)2.5 George Meredith, Anthony Trollope and Samuel Butler2.5.1 George Meredith (1828——1909)2.5.2 Anthony Trollope (1815——1882)2.5.3 Samuel Butler (1835——1902)2.6 Thomas Hardy (1840——1928)3.Victorian Poets and Dramatists3.1 Alfred Tennyson (1809——1892)3.2 Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning 3.2.1 Robert Browning (1812——1889)3.2.2 Elizabeth Barret Browning (1806——1861)3.3 Matthew Arnold (1822——1888)3.4 Oscar Wilde (1854——1900)4.Victorian Non-fiction Prose4.1 Thomas Carlyle and Thomas Babington Macaulay 4.1.1 Thomas Carlyle (1795——1881)4.1.2 Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800——1859) 4.2 John Henry Newman and John Stuart Mill4.2.1 John Henry Newman (1801——1890)4.2.2 John Stuart Mill (1806——1873)4.3 John Ruskin and Walter Horatio Pater4.3.1 John Ruskin (1819——1900)4.3.2 Walter Horatio Pater (1839——1894)Chapter 7 Literature of the 20th Century (1900-1945)I.Introduction2.The Edwardians and the Georgians2.1 Arnold Bennett and Herbert George Wells 2.1.1 Arnold Bennett (1867——1931)2.1.2 Herbert George Wells (1866——1946) 2.2 John Galsworthy (1867——1933)2.3 Rudyard Kipling (1865——1936)2.4 Joseph Conrad (1857——1924)2.5 Ford Madox Ford (1873——1939)Chapter 8 Literature to the 20th century (1945-2000)……
Bede (673——735) or Baeda was first called "Venerabilis" during the 9thcentury. By the title "the Venerable Be de" one can infer that he was known to posterity. He was a historian and diligent teacher and scholar of Latin and Greek;he had many pupils among the monks of Wearmouth and Jarrow. Although he might never have travelled beyond the boundaries of his native district of Northumbria, he achieved an international reputation as one of the greatest scholars of his age. Writing in Latin, the learned language of the era, Be de produced many theological works as well as books on science and rhetoric, but his most popularand enduring work is Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum (completed in 731).This work has earned for Bede the name " The Father of English History," and,with its achievements in prose writing, has made him popular as the most importantand outstanding prose writer during the late 7th and the early 8th centuries.Historia tells the history of Britain from the time of Julius Caesar's conquest of the British Isles through the Saxon invasions to the arrival of Saint Augustine, the first Roman missionary in 597, and the squabbles of the petty kingdoms of Saxon England. The main theme of it is the spread of Christianity and the growth of the English churches.