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《全国高等教育自学考试标准预测试卷》系列图书是根据全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会颁布的各科考试大纲,依照最新版本教材,参照最新考试题型,特邀多年从事自考教学、命题研究的专家精心编写而成的,从内容上和形式上都保证了试卷的专业性、权威性和准确性。 建议考生将本系列图书与相应教材配套使用,通过系统性的练习,加深对该学科考试内容的理解和记忆,掌握常用解题技巧及方法,全面巩固知识点。试卷系列每册均有8—10套自学考试标准预测试卷,建议考生每周做1套试卷,循序渐进,取得实效。
If you are planning to study in the United States, you need to consider several factors. Everyone has different opinions about where the best place to live in. Also, the best places to live are not always home to the best schools. Finally, many schools specialize in different areas of study. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for example, is a great school for computer science and technology-related fields of study. However, if you want to study oceanography, your interests may be better served by attending school in a place that is on a coastline or near the ocean. Now I am sure that you know which schools are considered the best in the country. So I will tell you about which states I believe are the best to live in. California is a nice state. Northem California specifically has very good weather. Los Angeles in southern California is another story though. Life in LA is full of excitement and fast, and sometimes dangerous. As for me, I enjoyed the time I spent in Massachusetts, Virginia and Maryland and these states that have a lot of history and culture. The weather is not as perfect as California, but it is still quite nice. My favorite area of America is the Midwest. Middle America, I think, is home to the true American sense of values. In addition, there are many good universities there. Also, you need to think about your likes and dislikes and then research the various states. You like sunshine and hate snow? Then you probably won' t like the Midwest or even the Northeast. Open space, nature and peace and quiet. Then you probably should stay away from America' s larger cities. Are you interested in government? Then Washington D. C. is the only place for you. Whatever you decided, put some thought into it. The place you live in could be the difference between a great study-abroad experience and a state of great suffering on earth. ……