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目前,国内高职高专院校的大学英语教学改革不断走向深入,“以应用为目的,实用为主,够用为度”的指导原则已经深入人心。在这一背景下,出现了不少各具特色的大学英语教材,它们都不同程度地、从不同的角度反映了新形势下高职高专院校大学英语教学的需要。但是由于创新型国家的建设与和谐社会的构建不断对高职高专实用创新型人才的培养提出更高的要求,由于高职高专院校大学英语教学改革不断深入,也由于高职高专生源的地域差异和学生毕业后所就业的行业差异较大,更好地反映和引导改革中种种新的尝试和新探采的新教材的开发仍然十分必要。 基于这一考虑,重庆大学出版社组织四川省相关领域的专家和20多所院校的一线教师,在广泛调研的基础上,编写了这套《高职高专创新大学英语系列教材》。参与教材编写的既有教育部在该地区重点高校的骨干教师,也有长期在高职高专教学一线的骨干教师。
《创新大学英语2》是《高职高专创新大学英语系列教材》主教材的第二册,本册含8个单元,每个单元有2篇简短生动的阅读课文,选文涉及校园、社会、文化娱乐等多种题材,时代感强。 每个单元内的练习板块按照Reading,Speaking,Listening和Writing的顺序安排,既体现了对同一交际主题的反复强化,又可达到学生自然语言输出的目的。每个单元分别覆盖不同的交际主体,强化不同的语法知识,培养不同文体的应用文写作能力。多条线索之间既相互平行,又通过共同训练的高频词汇,共同强调的实际能力以及交际内容和交际形式的有机联系而充分融合在一起,共同服务于提高学生实用交际能力的目标。同时本书还配有光盘,可供学生自学或复习时使用。
Unit 1 New Concepts of Health Text A Powerful Reasons to Eat Slower Speaking Meeting at the Airport Welcome Speech Listening Sounds and Spellings Grammar Writing General Writing: A Short Letter Writing for Specific Purposes: Write a Note to Ask for Leave Text B Health Depends on Being in Harmony with our SoulsUnit 2 Family Hours Text A A Prayer for My Mother Speaking Checking in at a Hotel Thank-you Speech Listening Sounds and Spellings Grammar Writing General Writing: Write an E-mail to a Friend Text B American FamiliesUnit 3 The Essence of Life Text A The Symphony is a Way of Speaking Finding One’s Way Seeing-off Speech Listening Sounds and Spellings Grammar Writing General Writing: A Short Introduction Writing for Specific Purposes: Write a Note/Letter of Apology Text B The Best Time of My LifeUnit 4 Enjoy Holidays Text A Five Tips to Turn a Normal Holiday Planet-friendly Speaking Asking about Buses Farewell Speech Listening Sounds and Spellings Grammar Writing General Writing: A Short Letter Text B About New YearUnit5 Great Inventions Text A Smart Kitchens No Longer Pie in the Sky Speaking Making a Phone Call Making a Toast Listening Sounds and Spellings Grammar Writing General Writing: A Paragraph of Comparison Writing for Specific Purposes: Write an Announcement Text B Telephone ConversationsUnit 6 Traveling Text A Round the World Trip Planning Speaking Getting Help in Store Congratulation Speech Listening Sounds and Spellings Grammar Writing General Writing: An E-mail to a travel agent Text B Americans on the MoveUnit 7 Means of Transportation Text A Public Transportation Could Save the World Speaking Going Shopping A Speech Expressing Likes and Dislikes Listening Sounds and Spellings Grammar Writing General Writing: A Survey Report Writing for Specific Purposes: Write a Public Notice Text B Should the Use of Cars Be Reduced?Unit 8 Ways of Communication Text A The Art of Communication Speaking At the Post Office Means of Communications I like Listening Sounds and Spellings Grammar Writing General Writing: My Favorite Way of Communication Text B Internet Friends: Are They All Genuine Friends?Vocabulary
The planning of an around—the—world trip can be a ton of funlooking at the map.deciding where to go,flipping through guidebooks to faraway lands,packing andunpacking your backpack.It can also be a nightmare of bloated budgets,realizingyou-won’t be able to see everything,and stress from sneaking a look at travel websiteswhile you count down the remaining days at your job.We want to ease that stress with thissimple guide to planning your trip.With millions of destinations around the world,how can you decide where to stop andwhat to skip?Although we can’t tell you where to go,we can give you information onwhat to expect.Browse through sample routes,read up on tips and check out thestories to help you make up your mind. Don’t know how to start planning your trip by utilizing the vast resources on theworldwide web?Our easy guide tells you the advantages of do-it-yourself intemet planning and let you know where to start searching. There are a million things to think about when you head out of town for two weeks.Iet aione two years!Read up on how to prepare for one of the biggest adventures of your life. Join Bootsn All’S international community and get a free travel blog!No need to remember e.mail addresses.no more impersonal bulk e-mails:your friends can read about your adventures online wherever they are,and whenever they want.