徐广联 编
英语语言底蕴深厚,名家大师辈出。他们的思想精华,经妙笔点化,遂成精湛的美文、瑰丽的诗篇。这些名篇,蕴藏着大师们卓越的见识、睿智的思考、伟大的抱负、高尚的情操;这些名篇,承载着大师们对人类的希冀,对自然的关爱,对良知的呼唤,对邪恶的鞭挞;这些名篇,有对童年乐园的怀念,对已故亲人的追忆,对往昔恋情的梦回,对千古失足的叹惋;这些名篇,属于人类宝贵的精神财富。 书中共有154篇精美的短文,是精中求精,反复筛选,最终确定的,均为英美文学名篇中的精华。它们文风各异,或热烈奔放,或含蓄隽永,或古雅雄辩,或清新流畅,语言地道规范,闪耀着大师们璀璨的智慧之光,体现了大师们高超的语言技巧。 诵读本书,你既能得到审美的愉悦,提高英语语言的领悟力,又能学习英语写作技巧,掌握丰富多彩的表达方式,提高英语写作能力。同时,它还是道德修养、为人处世的好读本。通过阅读,能提升你的文化品味,了解人生百态、世事沧桑,帮你找到人生的坐标,助你走向理想与辉煌。
154篇精美短文 精中求精,反复筛选,均为英美文学名篇中的精华。 文风各异,或热烈奔放,或含蓄隽永,或占雅雄辩,或清新流畅。 语言地道规范,闪耀着大师们璀璨的智慧之光,体现了大师们高超的语言技巧。
1 Youth/青春2 True Nobility/真正的高贵3 A Bright Beautiful Spring/明媚春光4 The Right to D0/做事的权利5 The Country Girl and the Milky Pail/乡下姑娘和牛奶桶6 ImmortaI Books/不朽的书7 Afternoon on a Hill/山中午后8 A Merry Christmas/快乐的圣诞节9 Dreams/梦想10 Traffic Jam/拥挤的交通11 A Time for Us/我俩的时光12 The Big Rocks and the Jar/大石块和广口瓶13 The Cow/奶牛14 Shared G rief Is Half the Sorrow/共患难,痛苦减半15 The Echoing Green/荡着回声的草地16 A Good Piece of Advice/一则忠告17 The Year'S at the Sprin9/正是一年春光好18 The Little Black Boy/小小黑男孩19 Some People/有些人20 Competition/竞争21 Great,Wide,Beautiful,Wonderful World/伟大、广阔、美丽、奇妙的世界22 Sailin9/远航23 The Lion and the Mouse/狮子和老鼠24 Today/今天25 Somewhat Childish,But Very Natural/有点儿稚气,可是挺自然26 Welcome the Pain of Problems/正视苦难27 The Village Is not Dead/乡村依然存在28 Block City/积木城29 The Meaning and Purpose of Life/生命的意义和目的30 The Donkey and the Statue/驴和塑像31 Sand and Stone/沙子和石头32 Young and Old/青春与暮年33 Wealth.Success and Love/财富、成功和爱34 Forever Youn9/永远青春35 The Oak/橡树36 Father'S G ift/父亲的礼物37 How to Keep Healthy/健康秘笈38 A Perfect Gift/完美的礼物39 The Disobedient Donkey/驴40 Find Our Way/寻路41 The Dreams of Lotteries/彩票梦42 American Music/美国音乐43 The Common Interest/共同的兴趣44 Work and Health/T作与健康45 How to Save Yourself in the Forest/林中自救46 A Quiet Life/宁静的生活47 The Pigs' Hometown/猪的家乡48 Two Possibilities/两种可能49 Looking for Volunteers/征召志愿者50 The Best Time of My Life/美好人生51 The Wolf and the Crane/狼$D鹤52 A Drunk/酒鬼53 A New Friend/新朋友54 A Valuable Lesson/珍贵的一课55 Make Deserts into Good Land/变沙漠为良田……
Habits 习惯 Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a persondoes a certain thing again and again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, then a habit is formed. Once a habit isformed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to theformation of habits. Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habitsas long as they live, and sometimes become mined by them. There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of greathelp. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as getting up early, beinghonest and so on. Among the habits which children should not form is laziness, lying,stealing and so on. These are easily formed habits. Unfortunately olderpersons often form habits which should have been avoided. We should keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form suchhabits as will be good for ourselves and others.
诵读精美短文 获得审美的愉悦 提高英语语言的领悟力 学习英语写作技巧 掌握丰富多彩的表达方式 提高英语写作能力 道德修养、为人处世的好读本 提升文化品味 了解人生百态 找到人生坐标 走向理想与辉煌
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