肖福寿 编著
作为一名英语教育工作者,我认为帮助广大英语学习者提高英文水平是我应尽的义务和责任。用美国总统门罗(1817)的话来说,“From a just responsibility I will never shrink.在应尽的责任和义务面前,我决不会畏惧不前。”因此,我在编写本书的过程中从未退缩,始终坚信本书可解英语学习者的燃眉之急。 那么,为什么编写本书呢?简单地说,本书的编写主要有以下四个原因: 首先,实践证明学习英语就必须学习经典英语,其中包括文学家、科学家和政治领袖们的经典演说和著作。鉴于美国在世界科技和教育等领域的领先地位,目前学习经典美语已经成为一种必要、一种趋势。在经典美语中,美国总统的演说便是一颗璀璨的明珠。可以想象,如果你能掌握美国总统演说中的经典词语、经典句子和经典段落,你的英文水平定可让人刮目相看。本书探讨了美国总统演说中的经典单词、经典词组、经典句子和经典段落,希望借此帮助广大读者从容应付诸如CET、TEM、PETS、IELTS、TOEFL和GRE等国内外的英文考试,故名“经典美语”。可以说,学好经典美语也是开启美好未来的一把金钥匙。 其次,在历任美国总统中,能够连任的大都具有独特的领导才能和语言天赋,被认为是了不起的总统和不可多得的伟人。学术界普遍认为,美国历史上最伟大的三位总统是乔治.华盛顿、亚伯拉罕·林肯和富兰克林·罗斯福。没有华盛顿就没有美国的建立,没有林肯美国就可能四分五裂,没有罗斯福美国就可能难以趁着二战强大起来。无独有偶,这三位总统都是连任总统。 再次,在美国总统演说中,就职演说宛如王冠上的璀璨钻石,表现了娴熟的驾驭语言的技巧,具有独特的魅力。除了就职演说以外,本书还探索了美国连任总统其他最具代表性的演说,其中包括国会演说、告别演说、辞职演说和电视演说,涉及的语料多达130,036字。本书与《美国总统就职演说赏析》一书构成了从华盛顿到奥巴马历届美国总统的就职演说的集大成者。 最后,不少人花了大量的时间和精力来学习英文,但结果往往是“事倍功半”,其中一个重要因素是他们无法理解、无法欣赏、无法掌握经典之作中的经典语言。如果无法攻克这一“瓶颈”,他们的英文水平就很难有重大的突破。本书通过挖掘与探析美国总统演说中的经典词语、句子和段落,旨在帮助广大读者学会欣赏经典美语,扩大他们的英文词汇量,提高他们的英文表达能力,从而使他们在英语学习方面达到“事半功倍,’的效果,在国内外重大英文考试中取得理想的成绩,实现更为美好的人生理想。
多年来一直从事英语语言和应用语言学的教学与研究工作。已出版《英语写作教学的原则与策略》《语域特征与英文写作》《英语写作案例教程》《新视野大学英语视听说教程1》《21世纪大学英语视听说教程2》等10多部专著与教材;在国内外重要刊物上发表了“A Study of Collocations Used by Tertiary-IeveI Chinese EFL Learners”等20多篇论文;主持和参与了7项市级和国家级科研项目;曾获“全国宝钢优秀教师奖”、“全国邮电系统优秀青年知识分子”、“四川省优秀教师”等6项省部级、国家级奖励和称号。
上篇 词汇层面的赏读 1.词的概念 1.1 词的定义 1.2 词的特征 1.3 词的种类 2.词的知识 2.1 英文中的词 2.2 掌握词的各种知识 3.词汇量及其测定 3.1 一种词汇量计算的方法 3.2 词汇的级别 3.3 七套词汇量测试题 4.十三大名词的经典用法 4.1 life的用法 4.2 liberty的用法 4.3 happiness的用法 4.4 dignity的用法 4.5 oppor’tunity的用法 4.6 equality的用法 4.7 law的用法 4.8 iustice的用法 4.9 education的用法 4.10 democracy的用法 4.11 honor的用法 4.12 spirit的用法 4.13 right的用法 5.十二大动词的经典用法 5.1 thank的用法 5.2 stand的用法 5.3 show的用法 5.4 speak的用法 5.5 say的用法 5.6 call的用法 5.7 want的用法 5.8 need的用法 5.9 demand的用法 5.10 require的用法 5.11 ask的用法 5.12 take的用法 6. 八大形容词的经典用法 6.1 grateful的用法 6.2 humble的用法 6.3 strong的用法 6.4 great的用法 6.5 high的用法 6.6 powerful的用法 6.7 faithful的用法 6.8 true的用法 7. 七大副词的经典用法 7.1 now的用法 7.2 today的用法 7.3 then的用法 7.4 never的用法 7.5 always的用法 7.6 again的用法 7.7 yet的用法 8. 四大代词的经典用法 8.1 who的用法 8.2 what的用法 8.3 which的用法 8.4 all的用法 9. 三大连词的经典用法 9.1 and的用法 9.2 but的用法 9.3 or的用法 10.三大介词的经典用法 10.1 in的用法 10.2 at的用法 10.3 on的用法下篇 语篇层面的赏读 1.George Washington 1.1 Second Inaugural AddreSS Of George Washington 1.2 George Washington’s First Annual Message tO Congress 1.3 Quotes from the President 2.Thomas.1efferson 2.1 Second Inaugural Address Of Thomas Jefferson 2.2 The Declaration Of Independence 2.3 Quotes from the+President 3.James Madison 3.1 First Inaugural Address of James Madison 3.2 Quotes from the President 4. James Monroe 4.1 Second Inaugural Address of James Monroe 4.2 Quotes from the President 5. Andrew Jackson 5.1 First Inaugural Address of Andrew Jackson 5.2 Quotes from the President 6. Abraham Lincoln 6.1 Second Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln 6.2 The Gettysburg Address of Abraham Lincoln 6.3 Quotes from the President 7. Ulysses S. Grant 7.1 Second Inaugural Address of Ulysses S. Grant 7.2 Quotes from the President 8. Stephen G. Cleveland 8.1 The Special Session Message of Stephen Cleveland 8.2 Quotes from the President 9. William McKinley 9.1 First Inaugural Address of William McKinley 9.2 Quotes from the President 10. Woodrow Wilson 10.1 Second Inaugural Address of Woodrow Wilson 10.2 Quotes from the President 11. Franklin D. Roosevelt 11.1 Second Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt 11.2 Third Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt 11.3 Fourth Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt 11.4 The Pearl Harbor Speech of Franklin D. Roosevelt 11.5 The Four Freedoms 11.6 Quotes from the President 12. Dwight D. Eisenhower 12.1 First Inaugural Address of Dwight D. Eisenhower 12.2 The Farewell Address of Dwight D. Eisenhower 12.3 Quotes from the President 13. Richard M. Nixon 13.1 Second Inaugural Address of Richard M. Nixon 13.2 The Resignation Speech of Richard M. Nixon 13.3 Quotes from the President 14. Ronald Reagan 14.1 First Inaugural Address of Ronald Reagan 14.2 Ronald Reagan's Address on the Space Shuttle "Challenger" 14.3 Quotes from the President 15. William J. Clinton 15.1 First Inaugural Address of William J. Clinton 15.2 I Have Sinned 15.3 Quotes from the President 16. George W. Bush 16.1 First Inaugural Address of George W. Bush 16.2 George W. Bush's 9/11 Address to the Nation 16.3 Quotes from the PresidentReferencesAppendix One. Key to "Quotes from the President"Appendix Two. Inaugural Address of Barack Obama
9. It will be my sincere and constant desire to observe toward the Indian tribes within our limits a just and liberal policy, and to give that humane and considerate attention to their rights and their wants which is consistent with the habits of our Government and the feelings of our people. 10. The recent demonstration of public sentiment inscribes on the list of Executive duties, in characters too legible to be overlooked, the task of reform, which will require particularly the correction of those abuses that have brought the patronage of the Federal Government into conflict with the freedom of elections, and the counteraction of those causes which have disturbed the rightful course of appointment and have placed or continued power in unfaithful or incompetent hands. 11. In the performance of a task thus generally delineated I shall endeavor to select men whose diligence and talents will insure in their respective stations able and faithful cooperation, depending for the advancement of the public service more on the integrity and zeal of the public officers than on their numbers. 12. A diffidence, perhaps too just, in my own qualifications will teach me to look with reverence to the examples of public virtue left by my illustrious predecessors, and with veneration to the lights that flow from the mind that founded and the mind that reformed our system. The same diffidence induces me to hope for instruction and aid from the coordinate branches of the Government, and for the indulgence and support of my fellow-citizens generally. And a firm reliance on the goodness of that Power whose providence mercifully protected our national infancy, and has since upheld our liberties in various vicissitudes, encourages me to offer up my ardent supplications that He will continue to make our beloved country the object of His divine care and gracious benediction. 2 (1126 words)
《经典美语:美国连任总统演说赏读》分为上篇和下篇。 上篇的重点是词汇层面的赏读,主要探讨词的概念、词的知识、词汇量的测定以及美国总统演说中的13个关键名词、12个动词、8个形容词、7个副词、4个代词、3个连词和3个介词的经典用法。通过学习,你可以了解词的各种知识,测定你的词汇量,丰富你的百科知识,掌握50个单词的经典用法以及这些单词蕴涵的人类智慧和经验结晶。 下篇的重点是语篇层面的赏读,主要探讨美国总统演说的原文赏读,共28篇。这些演说以美国总统的就职演说为主,其次是美国总统的国会演说、电视演说、告别演说等。本篇挖掘了这些演说中出现的各种经典词组、经典句子和经典段落,还涉及了每个总统的经典语录。