航海职业教育系列教材是交通部科教司为适应《STCw78/95公约》和我国海事局颁发的《中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试、评估和发证规则》而组织编写的。编审人员是由交通职业技术学校教学指导委员会航海类学科委员会组织遴选的,都有较丰富的教学经验和实践经验。教材编写依据是交通部科教司颁发的“航海职业教育教学计划和教学大纲”(高职教育),也融入了中等职业教育“教学计划和教学大纲”。本系列教材是针对三年高职教育和五年高职教育编写的,对于四年中等职业教育可根据考试大纲在满足操作级的要求上选用,也适用于海船驾驶员和轮机员考证培训和船员自学。 本系列教材包括职能理论和职能实践两个部分,在内容上有严格的分割,但又相互补充。 这套系列教材的特点: 1.全面体现了《STCW78/95公约》和《中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试、评估和发证规则》中强调的:教育必须遵守知识更新的原则,强调技能,培养能适应现代化船舶管理复合型人才要求的精神。 2.始终贯穿“职业能力”作为培养目标的主线,根据“驾通合一”、“机电合一”及课程内容不能跨功能块的原则,打破原有学科体系,按功能块的要求对课程内容进行了全面的调整、删减,抓住基本要素重新组合。各课衔接紧凑,避免重复教学,并跟踪了现代科学技术,有较强的科学性和先进性。 3.编写始终围绕着职业教育的特点,内容以“必需和够用”为原则,紧扣大纲,深广度适中,不但体现了理论和实践的结合,也体现了加强能力教育和强化技能训练的力度。 4.编写过程中还把品格素质、知识素质、能力素质和身心素质等素质教育的内容交融并贯彻其中,体现了对海员素质及能力培养的力度。 本系列教材在编审过程中尽管对“编写大纲和教材”都经过了集体或专家会审,也得到海事局和航运单位的大力支持,但可能还有不足之处,希望多提宝贵意见,以利再版时修改并进一步完善。
1Unit 1Lesson 1 Distress Calling——FireLesson 2 Grounding and ListingLesson 3 CollisionUnit ExerciseUnit 2Lesson 4 Co-ordinating SAR-operationsLesson 5 Meteorological InformationUnit ExerciseUnit 3Lesson 6 Helicopter RescueLesson 7 Icebreaker AssistanceUnit Exercise Unit 4Lesson 8 Communication with VTSLesson 9 Approaching HarbourLesson 10 Pilot Requiring and EmbarkingUnit ExerciseUnit 5Lesson 11 Entering HarhourLesson 12 Handover of Watchkeeping ResponsibilitiesLesson 13 Oil Pollution InvestigationUnit ExerciseUnit 6Lesson 14 Damage Control-GroundingLesson 15 Fire-Fighting Lesson 16 In-Boat ProceduresUnit ExerciseVocabulary2Unit 1 GMDSS OverviewLesson 1 Abbreviations used in the GMDSSLesson 2 Basic Concept of the GMDSSLesson 3 GMDSS FunctionsLesson 4 Communications Used in the GMDSSUnit 2 Terrestrial Communication SystemsLesson 5 Digital Selective Calling (DSC)Lesson 6 General Procedures for Narrow-Band Direct-Printing Telegraphy in the Maritime Mobile ServiceLesson 7 Maritime Mobile Radio Telephony (RT)Lesson 8 Search and Rescue Radar Transponder Unit 3 Satellite Communication SystemsLesson 9 Inmarsat Communication SystemsLesson 10 Inmarsat-A Telex ServicesLesson 11 Inmarsat-A Telephone ServicesLesson 12 Inmarsat-A Data and Facsimile CommunicationsLesson 13 Procedures for Inmarsat-A Distress, Urgency and Safety CallsLesson 14 Inmarsat-C Communication ServicesLesson 15 Inmarsat Traffic Accounting and Billing ArrangementLesson 16 Cospas-Sarsat SystemUnit 4 Distress Urgency and Safety CommunicationsLesson 17 Distress CommunicationsLesson 18 Urgency and Safety CommunicationsUnit 5 Maritime Safety InformationLesson 19 General Introduction of MSILesson 20 Navigational WarningsLesson 21 Weather ReportsUnit 6 Selections of 1995 Amendments to the 1978 STCW ConventionLesson 22 Radiocommunication and Radio PersonnelLesson 23 Standards Regarding Radio PersonnelLesson 24 Training Related to the General Operator's CertificateUnit 7 Selections of SOLAS ConventionLesson 25 Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements and Safety of NavigationUnit 8 Selections of Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual(MERSAR) (1993 Edition)Lesson 26 Co-ordination of Search and Rescue OperationsUnit 9 Selections of IMO Resolution A. 474(XII)Lesson 27 Proper Use of VHF Channels at SeaUnit 10 CompositionLesson 28 Useful Sentences for Telex CommunicationLesson 29 TelexLesson 30 Distress Urgency and Safety Telex MessagesLesson 31 Service Request and Service ReportAPPENDIXESAPPENDIX 1 ABBREVIATIONS USED IN TELEX MESSAGEAPPENDIX 2 VOCABULARY
1. INTRODUCTION The international Maritime Organization (IMO) Assembly, at its eleventh session in 1979, considered the existing arrangements for maritime distress and safety communication. It was de- cided that a new global maritime distress and safety system, to improve distress and safety, ra- diocommunication and procedures, should be established which, in conjunction, with a co-ordi- nated search and rescue infrastructure, would incorporate recent technical developments and sig- nificantly improve the safety of life at sea. 2. The Previous System and The Need for Improvement The Previous maritime distress and safety system, as defined in chapter IV of the Interna- tional Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, SOLAS 1974 in force prior to 1 February 1992 was based on the requirements that certain classes of ships, when at sea, keep continuous radio watch on the international distress frequencies assigned in accordance with the ITU Radio Regu- lations and carry radio equipment Capable of transmitting over a minimum specified range. The master of any ship at sea should, on receiving a signal the a ship or aircraft of survival craft is in distress, proceed.with all speed to the assistance of the persons in distress, informing them that he is doing so. Since the minimum specified range of communications provided by the requiredshipborne equipment is 100——150 nautical miles, assistance to a ship in distress could generally only be rendered by other shipping in the vicinity of an incident, which means that the Previous system is primarily intended for ship-to-ship operation. However, in accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations, coast stations open to public correspondence are required to maintain a contin- uous watch during their service hours on the distress frequencies. The Previous system includes two major manually operated sub-systems: ——The Morse telegraphy system on 500 kHz for all cargo ships of 1,600 tons all passenger ships. Since Morse competence is essential to the operation of this system, a Morse-qualified ra- dio officer is required on all ships having radiotelegrah installations. ——The radiotelephony system on 2,182 kHz and 156.8 MHz for all cargo ships 300 tons and over and all passenger ships, which provides common distress communications for all ships, sub- ject to the 1974 SOLAS Convention. It has been proven difficult to make any significant progress in the communication arrange- ments for a ship in distress when it is beyond the range of medium frequency coast radio stations, although various measures have been implemented to improve the situation. Introduction of modern technology, including satellite and digital selective calling tech- niques, enables a distress alert to be transmitted and received automatically over long range and irrespective of meteorological and interference conditions. ……