Chapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Purposes of the study1.2 Significance of the study1.2.1 Socio-cultural significance/21.2.2 Linguistic significance/41.2.3 Pedagogical significance/51.3 Research questions1.4 Methodology and data collection1.4.1 Methodology/71.4.2 Data collection/81.4.3 Procedures/121.5 Organization of the studyChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Definition of fairy-tale text2.3 Perspectives of the fairy-tale research2.3.1 A folkloristic perspective.2.3.2 An anthropological perspective2.3.3 A psychological perspective,2.3.4 A narrative perspective2.4 Summary of the relevant studies2.4.1 Significance of socio-cognitive perspective2.4.2 Significance of linguistic perspective2.4.3 Significance of pedagogical perspectiveChapter Ⅲ Theoretical Foundations3.1 Introduction3.2 Genre and genre analysis3.2.1 Malinowski: Language as symbolic action.3.2.2 Austin: Speech act theory3.2.3 Bakhtin: Speech genre3.2.4 Marth: Functional analysis of genre3.2.5 Swales: Genre conceptions in The ESP School3.2.6 Miller: Genre theories in The New Rhetoric School3.2.7 Feez: Genre learning and teaching3.3 Summary of genre theories3.4 Constructing a generic framework for fairy tales3.4.1 Necessity of constructing a framework3.4.2 Possibility of constructing a framework3.4.3 A suggested framework: Genre analysis of fairy talesChapter Ⅳ A Socio-cultural Analysis of Fairv-tale Text 4.1 Introduction4.2 Language and cuIture4.3 Fairy tales and culture4.3.1 Fan'y tales are embedded cultural context4.3.2 Fa tales embody cultural vahes/804.4 Socio-cultural significance of fairy tales4.4.1 Introduction4.4.2 Statistics of cukural topics in fairy tales4.4.3 Analysis of cukural topics4.5 Conclusion of socio-cultural significance..Chapter Ⅴ A Cognitive Analysis of Fairy-tale Text5.1 IntrodUctlon5.2 Magic:A cognitive element in fairy tales5.3 Magic and its cognitive functions5.3.1 Introduction5.3.2 Statistics of magical representations in fairy tabs5.3.3 Analysis ofmagic5.3.4 CognRwe mechanism of magic5.4 Conclusion of cognitive significanceChapter Ⅵ A Typological Analysis of Fairy-tale Text6.1 Introduction6.2 Generic structures6.3 Statistics of generic structures of fairy tales6.3.1 Linear generic structure6.3.2 Comparative generic structure6.3.3 Mixed generic structure6.3.4 Generic structures in German faky tales6.3.5 Generic structures in Danish fairy tales,6.3.6 Generic structures in British fairy tales6.3.7 Generic structures in Chinese fairy tales6.3.8 Generic structures in Japanese fairy tales6.4 Conclusion of generic structuresChapter Ⅶ A Linguistic Analysis of Fairy-tale Text7.1 Introduction7.2 Linguistic features7.3 Discourse connectives7.3.1 Introduction7.3.2 Statistics of discourse connectives in fah-y tales7.3.3 Analysis of discourse connectives7.4 Attitude markers7.4.1 Introduction7.4.2 Statistics of attitude markers in fairy tales……Chapter Ⅷ A TEFL A nalysis of Fairy-tale TextChapter Ⅸ Conclusions
插图:Studies show that even advanced learners with a high proficiency ofEnglish language have problems with written discourse at the level of textorganization (Dudley-Evans, 1995; Johns, 1995; Prior, 1995). Englishwriting is difficult. A learner today needs to know not only how to writea specific genre but also what to write and how to write in differentwriting scenes. Learning to write successfully is a complex and lifelongprocess, where writing and reading skills continue to develop adulthoodthrough the interiorization of language tools and systems in various con-texts (Vygostsky & Luria, 1994). Several studies show that an essentialpart of writing success depends on understanding the nature of writtendiscourse, and experienced writers and readers come to see texts as rhe-torically based actions within specific contexts, within social and culturalstructures (Berkenkotter, Huckin & Ackerman, 1988; Haas, 1994; Gei-sler, 1994). It is more and more apparent that learners need to learn howto think in order to have creativity in different writing scenes. How tothink and how to write are equally important points (Yang Yonglin,2004). The cultivation of an individual's creativity requires their interestsand motivations. No doubt, almost everybody likes fairy tales, why is thisso? Fairy tales have attracting plots, moving stories, and aesthetic ormoral themes, and they can awaken the imagination and soften the heartsof people. Therefore, fairy tales might be a good starting point for genre-writing teaching.